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Can we all support the "Prevention First Act"?
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From NARAL Pro-Choice America:

"For years, groups on both sides of the debate over a woman's right to choose have waged one of the country's most divisive political wars. We will never resolve our differences on this issue. But we should be able to agree on an equally fundamental point: America would be a better country if we helped more women prevent unintended pregnancy.

"Sign our petition to organizations of the Right-To-Life Movement, asking them to join a new campaign to reduce the need for abortion. Senator Harry Reid - who opposes a woman's right to choose - has offered a common-sense bill called the Prevention First Act that would help reduce unintended pregnancies through better access to birth control.

"Help us urge our opponents to work with us to pass this bill, and make it the first step in a dialogue about preventing unintended pregnancies."

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