Witnessing the Meltdown 13605 Curiosities served |
2005-07-18 7:09 AM Pocket Change and Pin Money Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Startled by the size of cojones Read/Post Comments (0) =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ July 18, 2005 To the Editors, In my intrepid explorations of the Internets I continue to run across reports by pesky liberals [1] and hand-wringing auditors at the Department of Defense of such breathtakingly vast military waste and fraud in Iraq that my heart swells with pride knowing that we Americans are second to none when it comes to our ability to engorge ourselves at the public trough. While it's true that during the Clinton years Republicans established their 'street creds' by going after abuses such as $200 hammers, $600 toilet seats and $1,000 body armor for those squishy troops, under Bush Rule our opponent is not located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. These myopic liberals also fail to realize that during time of War war profiteering is actually a high patriotic duty. How else will our Congressional owners, er, patrons, er, constituents have the cash to participate in the trickle down economy from the top? [1] When Scandals Collide, Whiskey Bar, July 17, 2005. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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