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Saddam's Rape Rooms, reopened under new management
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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke

Remember last Summer following the Abu Ghraib photos that were released, some senators met in closed session to review the photos that weren't released and came out looking like they needed to find the nearest toilet in which to blow large chunks for an indeterminate amount of time?

Ever wonder why?

From DailyKos:

Sodomizing Children. For Freedom.
Bush blocks release of new Abu Ghraib photos.
Bush Threatens to Veto Attempts to Regulate, Investigate Abu Ghraib Torture.

Before I get flames for being 'partisan', please have your head examined.

Quoting hunter, "If being anti-child-sodomy is now considered the partisan position, then I'm going to be the biggest f*cking partisan on the planet, and to Hell with anyone who isn't."

Apparently unlike some people I actually consider what it would be like if instead of being blessed by being born in the US of Freakin' A I was instead born in Iraq and it was my wife and children this was being done to. Perhaps you should to.

Maybe your God supports this kind of sh*t but mine doesn't.

"A small group of thrill-seeking military police officers" my ass.

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