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The 'Family Values' Administration
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Bush flips off the media.

So we have Cheney almost a year ago (6/22/04) telling Sen. Leahy to "f*ck yourself" and now we have Bush flipping off the media.

I guess this is what Bush meant about restoring 'honor and dignity' to the White House.

Thanks George. No really, thanks. It's not like it's hard enough as a parent to raise my kids with the influence of the cess pool which passes for most TV channels, "children's" programming (has anyone seen some of the stuff on Nick and/or Nick Jr? Thank Gahdness for TiVo) and our culture in general, without having the freakin' President of the US of A flippin' the bird. Didn't your mother teach you any manners or do you think she's beaming right now, "That's my boy! You tell 'em Georgie!"

What a class act.

While ranting about this on her show today Randi Rhodes described this as 'frat boy' behaviour. As someone who attended Texas's best university :-) (actually I'm not that partisan) and who wasn't a frat, I agree that she nailed it (I suspect many (but not all) of my fellow non-Greek alumni understand that reference).

Glad to know these guys are good, Christian, 'family values' politicians or who knows what else they'd be doing.

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