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WMD: Deadly bacteria detected, officials notified a week later
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WASHINGTON (AFP) - A deadly bacteria listed among bioterrorism agents was detected in the US capital last month during a mass protest against the Iraq war.

District of Columbia Health Director Doctor Gregg Pane told WTOP Radio late Saturday that biological agent monitors on the National Mall, an esplanade in downtown Washington, gave positive readings for a small amount of tularemia on September 24 and 25.

The sensors are operated by the Department of Homeland Security, but officials were not notified of the potential hazard until Friday, according to Pane.


And from an article in the WaPo:

In nature, the bacteria are found in rodents and small animals, and "the working hypothesis" is that something in the environment got stirred up, D.C. Public Health Director Gregg A. Pane said.

But he said it was puzzling that the finding was from a day when the Mall was packed with people.

"Why that day? That's what is not explained," Pane said. "It was just this 24-hour period and none since."


More than a half-dozen sensors operating from 10 a.m. Saturday to 10 a.m. Sunday -- at sites including the Lincoln Memorial, Fort McNair and Judiciary Square -- detected the bacteria, Pane said he was told.

So let's see - the DHS operates these sensors to detect bacteria which could be used in a WMD and while the sensors detected this bacteria during an anti-war protest officials weren't notified until a week later.

If someone detonated a 'dirty' bomb in a city, one wonders when (if?) the residents would be notified...

What would be interesting to know is have these sensors previously detected 'small amounts' of tularemia and if so, when?

(Thanks to CS for the heads up).

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