Witnessing the Meltdown

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My son the mutant
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As most people who know me well know it is not easy to freak me out. My son though seems to be quite the adept.

So I’m down at the pool Sunday with him and when he first started telling me this was happening I thought he was pulling my leg or confused.

But after I observed closely I could see that he was right - underwater he’d pinch his nose and blow as if he was equalizing at which point a stream of air bubbles would come out from the tear ducts by his nose.

Or, in his words, “Air is coming out of my eyes.”

As far as I can recall of basic human physiology from 8-grade Health class the Human respiratory system is not supposed to be connected to the visual system so this has me a little unnerved.

Update: one of my brothers replied: “I think they are connected. I've seen people on television send a pea through their nose to their eye. It could have been a magic trick, but these people were not magicians, they would just do weird stuff.”

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