Becoming Jewish
One Girl's Journey

Effervescence is a state of mind. It's about choosing to bring sunshine to the day.
Every person I meet matters.

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More About Other People

More About Other People - I recently got to chat with a friend who happens to be Christian and part of my household. There was always this really neat element to our friendship, being of the same faith. We hadn't talked about my conversion, and there we were at dinner with friends, but sitting off to the side. It was the right time and place to say, "Gee sweetie, we haven't talked about this yet." And he admitted that he was slightly at odds with how to feel because on one hand, he supports me in whatever I want to pursue. He loves seeing me happy, and he even admits that I seem to be coming more into myself rather than if someone suggested to him that he should convert. He could not picture wanting to convert. If he tried to picture being raised in a different family, he imagines he would still end up a Christian some day, because that's where his longings are.

But as he supports me pursuing what's important to me, he recognizes that now he feels like he's (almost) the only Christian in the household.

One of the things that's important to me is that I find ways to feel whole and integrated. I don't want to diss that I've come to where I am now through the years of my faith that came before. I was raised in a wonderful church, trained in a wonderful college fellowship, been part of leadership with youth, helped lead music in worship, and pursued other such things over the years. These things built who I am now, and who I'm becoming. It's not one of those things where I'm ditching my past, but I feel like I want to be integrated as a whole person that can readily acknowledge where I've come from.

So in expressing this to him, we had a wonderful little friendship moment where I got to really express to him, "I need you in my life and I need the ability to chat with you on these things, and still share a specialness built on our shared connection we've had so far."

I think we both went away feeling better about my conversion in general, and our friendship in particular.

* * * * *
Today's Blessing That I'm Thankful For: Eric

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