Becoming Jewish One Girl's Journey Effervescence is a state of mind. It's about choosing to bring sunshine to the day. Every person I meet matters. If it's written down, I know it (If it's not written down, I don't know it) ![]() |
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2008-06-25 1:32 PM Musical interlude, and Future Plans A Musical Interlude - When I was young, the only time I wished I was a boy was when I wished I could sing in a boys choir. I'm reminded of that once again, listening to and watching this amazing music video on youtube: Shira Chadasha Boys Choir Music Video - Yerushalayim Wow. Music this wonderful makes me just want to cry happiness. How very moving. * * * * * About Future Plans - My first Hebrew instructor and I exchanged emails today. First, the discussion was around the nature of email forwarding strings in the political arena. I'm very anti-email forwards. Most of them hit the "false" mark on Snopes or other research. Rarely have I seen an email string that was accurate in content, when forwarded from person to person to person to... It seems to be exponentially worse when you read email forwards that deal with "getting out the word on such-and-such in politics." Name either side of a debate, candidate, philosophy, or issue, and I've seen junk mail emails on both sides, with outrageous inaccuracies. But as he and I had personal conversation, we got onto the nature of where I'm at in my walk, and how he already feels that I'm a part of the Jewish community and a kindred spirit of his. I'm constantly flattered and honored, honestly, when friends or acquaintances make such observations. But it also matches my approach to things: No stress, no race, it's not about end results and certificates and graduation. It's about daily living. Today, tonight, this weekend: How am I living? What are my choices? What are my values? What do I pursue? Which priorities am I working on? These are the things that define me, and label how I feel about myself. Yes. I feel already Jewish. And the way I describe it to other people, "I happen to be in the middle of my conversion process." Some of the steps of conversion are really about the experience, and what it says to others about the fact that I've hung in there and completed things. I'm not less of a Jew for having not done X, Y, or Z yet... just looking forward to all the life experiences I'm working towards. Someday I'll be on the other side of having experienced these things. Currently I'm just on this side of it. *grin* The reason I bring this up, is that my first Hebrew instructor headed back to Israel. He has more family there than here, has recently celebrated 86 years, and would like to remain there now. And he closed one email with, "Looking forward to seeing you in Israel." I'd never really thought about it all the much, but yes, I'd like to go there someday. Who knows when, how, for how long, or what I'll enjoy while I'm there, but yes. I'll go someday. Here's to my instructor still being in good health when I arrive, so we can share a meal or a drink together. * * * * * Today's Blessing That I'm Thankful For: Graham, for sharing a kindred spirit with me Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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