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2012-09-05 11:42 AM Visitors Last night, as usual, I was lying in bed with my phone in my hand, reading a book on my Kindle app. Just like anyone else, you know? Then I heard an ominous whine. Then a mosquito dive-bombed my phone and flew up into my face. And that's how my night got started.
Unlike in past years, I didn't get up and race madly around the room, knowing I'd be unable to sleep until the vicious beast had been sent to its reward. First of all, that never works. I can never find it with the lights on. More importantly, that kind of activity slightly interferes with the winding-down process I was trying to accomplish. Although it took me maybe half an hour longer than usual to get to sleep, and although I did hear the ominous whine a few more times, I'm pretty sure I handled the situation the right way. And I don't think the monster bit me, so I came out of the ordeal as unscathed as possible. But I was glad I didn't have any must-do tasks waiting for me first thing in the morning. Sleeping in a little later than usual was going to be easy, for once. ---------- Ah, but the best-laid plans, et cetera, et cetera. The Boss called me at 8:00 this morning and asked me to Google something for him. He has a computer, but he can't do anything on it but email. Once in a while I can get him to follow a link, but if he needs to know the distance between two cities for an estimate he's working on, I have to be the one to come up with it. So what do I do with all this extra time, after getting up so much earlier than planned? That's easy. I went back to bed and slept for another hour and a half. ---------- The gray wolf I mentioned in yesterday's entry is actually a gray fox. Sorry for the confusion, but that makes a lot more sense. There hasn't been a wolf sighting in this area for about a hundred years, as far as I know. Foxes are a lot easier to deal with, I'm sure. I'm amused by the nightly visits. I'm actually more concerned about how a mosquito got into my house than the presence of a fox on my porch. Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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