A "G-Rated Journal" That Even My Mother Can Read (because she does!)

Effervescence is a state of mind. It's about choosing to bring sunshine to the day.
Every person I meet matters.

If it's written down, I know it (If it's not written down, I don't know it)
If it's color-coded, I understand it (If it's not color-coded, I don't understand it)

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Feeling like it's all worth it

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Daddy-do and me, 2010

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Photo Albums are Hard Work

Whew, wow. After taking months and months to get a photo album created for a website for my friends, last spring, I'm pleased to say it only took two days [working nearly 6-10 hours a day] to get the album done this time. So I hope my dear friend Brian knows that I really did this all for him, since he was the one bugging me last time.

If you don't already have the link, I'm proud to present a photo album from an event this past Saturday:

I'm doubly proud of my photography as well as my webdesign. Yippee!

* * * * *

Some other good news in my day today: We had medical screening (for free) at work today. They tested our blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and body fat. I know that my mom and sister and I tend to have low blood pressure, and as I've too much weight for a while, it's climbed to the "normal" range. And I donate blood regularly, so I'm pretty up on my blood pressure every two-three months. But I've never had the other bits tested before. Apparently I have *really* low cholesterol, and all the medical staff there gave me enthusiastic thumbs up for that reading. Glucose was also low, and so I've no symptoms of problems there.

And body fat, although I knew what the reading would probably be (the level that says "you should lose weight") I did learn something very encouraging. My lean body mass is much higher than I thought it was. When you're 5'4", the old charts always say you're supposed to be around 120 lbs. Ha! My lean body mass is 150 lbs—so I can stop worrying about being some skinny-binny some day (not like I was really worrying) because even at 0% fat, I'd be more than that. So I'll probably have my body fat checked again in another six months, to see what progress I've made on my exercise, food, and weight loss regimen.

What a wonderful discovery today.

Well, after all that hard work on the photo albums, it's time to (a) find some dinner at 9 pm and (b) do my laundry before sleep.


* * * * *
Recently Listened to: Aileen & Alexandra Grill, "Sof Ma'arav L'dor Vador"

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