Cussedness Godwar Central Station LEVEL 20 ARCH-CURMUDGEON ALL HATE MAIL WILL BE POSTEDI am an out of the closet, bi-sexual gender queer and have long believed that the personal is political. Perhaps that is simply a bit of 1960s idealism that most people have outgrown; but it remains near and dear to me. I am the best-selling dark fantasy ebook author of the Dark Brothers of the Light series. I made my first short story sale at 23. it appeared in Amazons! which took the World Fantasy Award for best anthology in 1980February 2004: In The Darkness Hunting: Tales of Chimquar the Lionhawk (wildside press) Dark Brothers of the Light Series. Renaissance Ebooks. |
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Mood: improved Read/Post Comments (2) |
2003-09-30 9:28 AM Hang on loopy!! Loopy hang on! Well, the dosage went up yesterday. Disfomfort is decreasing steadily and I can think more clearly. That is a decided improvement. A sense of euphoria accompanies each level of relief. My leg is no longer trying to choke me to death periodically
One breath of sanity I have allowed myself is that since Friday when I got the new meds I said "f it and quit trying to fight my way through them and just started sleeping pretty much round the clock. I'm a workaholic by nature and it depresses me to just give up and give in. So I quit trying to get any writing done, any researching, any reading, any anything except a few brief lines here and there, notes mostly and caved in completely. Probably should have done that a long time ago. I have no doubt whatsoever at this point that the rest is doing me as much good as the change in meds. I've been avoiding the chats, resisting the boards at HWA (that's taking some real discipline) etc. No stress. No nothing. If I'm the least bit tired. I'm going to give myself a few more days. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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