Cussedness Godwar Central Station LEVEL 20 ARCH-CURMUDGEON ALL HATE MAIL WILL BE POSTEDI am an out of the closet, bi-sexual gender queer and have long believed that the personal is political. Perhaps that is simply a bit of 1960s idealism that most people have outgrown; but it remains near and dear to me. I am the best-selling dark fantasy ebook author of the Dark Brothers of the Light series. I made my first short story sale at 23. it appeared in Amazons! which took the World Fantasy Award for best anthology in 1980February 2004: In The Darkness Hunting: Tales of Chimquar the Lionhawk (wildside press) Dark Brothers of the Light Series. Renaissance Ebooks. |
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2004-02-15 3:06 PM Aggravation Thy Name is Dog Yes, two entries today.
Little White Dog Got the Booze. Levy, my chihuahua/peke/dachs mix (I knew his parents) is a lush, a veritable sot at every opportunity. Today while I was washing dishes he got the booze again. I like screw drivers made with decent vodka. But I'm very lazy and frequently let everything from cups, plates and dishes to whatever I most recently had in my hands pile up around the three desks I have arranged in an L. When I realized it was time to make dinner and I didn't have any clean dishes left I put the vodka where I thought he couldn't reach it, on the bookcase atop the middle desk. When I came back to gather up another load of Must-Be-Washed, I found the bottle on the floor and the dog drunk again. Sometimes he pins the bottles with his paws and twists it loose. More often he chews through the plastic screw on lids. He once opened on in the middle of my bed. A cork in a wine bottle that has been opened it simply too easy, he pulls it out and I have had a hard time getting wine stains out of his white coat. We discovered that Levy was a lush more than seven years ago when he was just six months old. I had a friend over who was drinking orange juice and I had a screw driver. We were playing computer games and generally having a good time. I was on the floor with mine. My son had a houseful of kids and I accused the kids before I caught the dog, which was embarrassing. However, I was talking to my friend and noticed that my drink was suddenly two thirds gone and I was certain I had not drank that much. I mentioned it to my friend and then questioned the kids, even to the point of getting up close and personal with one teenager "Let me smell your breath and I'll believe you." Returning from the obnoxious momist foray into the teen zone, I saw Levy lapping from my glass. He growled at me when I took it away and tried to snap, but was too unsteady on his feet to connect. I thought for awhile that maybe it was the orange juice he had been after, But a few days later we sat both my drink and Dianna's orange juice down to see which he would go after. He went straight for the booze. Never could get him to drink plain orange juice. Most people lock it up from the kids, I lock it up from the dog. Currently Reading: Neil Gaiman, American Gods. Recommended Reading: A Scattering of Jades by Alexander C. Irvine. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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