Cussedness Godwar Central Station LEVEL 20 ARCH-CURMUDGEON ALL HATE MAIL WILL BE POSTEDI am an out of the closet, bi-sexual gender queer and have long believed that the personal is political. Perhaps that is simply a bit of 1960s idealism that most people have outgrown; but it remains near and dear to me. I am the best-selling dark fantasy ebook author of the Dark Brothers of the Light series. I made my first short story sale at 23. it appeared in Amazons! which took the World Fantasy Award for best anthology in 1980February 2004: In The Darkness Hunting: Tales of Chimquar the Lionhawk (wildside press) Dark Brothers of the Light Series. Renaissance Ebooks. |
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2004-06-18 10:22 AM Love Letters from a dickhead Hate Mail from a Dickhead
When I first saw that Nikolaus Pacione had joined HWA, I decided to sit back and watch it run its course. HWA does not bear fools lightly. But Nicky flooded the boards in less than a day with shills, chest-beating proclamations of his talent and importance, and other such things as he is justly infamous for. Finally, I began to post polite (giving out nothing of our previous history on other boards) and sure enough the hate mail begins again. I'm wondering if it's just me, or everyone who has posed a negative comment in those threads in response to his? It would be interesting to find out. Today's letter was much milder than those past and because of my Blocked Sender's list, went directly into the trashcan from which I rescued it on suspicion of its being from Nicky. Nicky says: You mean to tell me you are going to piss on writers just because they are on a print on demand publishing house. What the fuck is wrong with you. They need all the support they can get. More than the Bram Stoker award winners. I know that you hate my guts and that is something clear when I was on the boards. You are nothing but a windbag who will never acknowledge me as a writer. Cussedness says: HWA is a professional organization, we do not want to see people promoting non-paying markets on our boards. My previous exchange with Nicky-poo is this one: ----- Original Message ----- From: Nickolaus Pacione To: Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 8:35 AM Subject: fuck you Blast on this one dyke. I did a little fine editing you are saying that I will never get published. I get this story published -- you will have to burn a few of your own books. You hate me as it is, what are you going to do when I have a story out in a collection burn the pages that my short story appears in. Because that is what it seems that you are doing with you are doing by taking shots at my proteges and supporters. You want to take shots at me -- do it on my blog because that way I can actually back up what I can say. FUCK YOU. Your books are good for one thing -- toilet paper. You want to take shots at or while you are at it. You are out of your season bitch. You should be taking other writers under your wing but the sound of my name seems to piss you off. My reply was: From: "Janrae Frank" To: "Nickolaus Pacione" Subject: Re: fuck you Date: Friday, April 30, 2004 2:31 PM Baby Boy, get your dick out of your throat. I have several writers under my wings, but I wouldn't touch an illiterate fuck up nothing like yourself. Yes, I'm a big dyke mama and proud of it. Why should I say anything about you in your blog? That would mean reading your inarticulate, badly written prose. I have better things to do with my time. Don't bother to reply. I have just added this new address of yours to my block senders list and I'm contacting my isp to see that you don't get through again. But then I had to peek didn't I? And get the new one? Any how, Nicky is well known for his attacks up writers who have homosexual characters in their works or are homosexual themselves. He is also a raving racist rant-scum. I have zero-tolerance for that kind of stuff. It is well-known that he harrassed Poppy Z. Brite and others and a rumor recently reached my ears that Eugie Foster may have been so terrified by him that she got a restraining order. Now this is, at this point, a rumor only. However, it would not surprise me. If someone could confirm it, I would like to see it brought to the attention of my colleagues at HWA. Empty Purple Eyes at has been receiving death threats from Nicky for over seven months, but doesn't live within reach of him, which is probably fortunate. She sent me the following URLs at my request. ( Better than Comedy Central ) ( Flemco's Site ) ( Nicky Blog #8900898 ) ( A sample of what you can expect );user=NickolausPacione ( And ANOTHER Nicky Blog ) ( And yet ANOTHER ) ( Yeah he uses words like this ) So welcome to the Nicky Wars. Currently Reading: Recommended Reading: Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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