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2011-01-29 10:54 PM Setting things off. I am making a left turn from residential R. Street onto four-lane K. Avenue. Further down K. is an intersection with a major boulevard whose green light time is at least twice that of K. so of course, like any other cold blooded driver in this most auto worshipping of areas I want to get this left turn going. To my right I see a runner on the near sidewalk approaching while from the same direction on K. so is a car in the far lane. Well, I will make a discreet turn and get a few feet.
But as a brother of mine used to say, "Nice signal, buddy!" Before it signals the other car not only changes lanes but ends up in the left turn stub for K. I stop, and the runner elects to go behind me and the other car stops at the last foot to let the runner by after I've obstructed its view. Thinking ahead and not fixating on things like making the light down the road are essential. Twenty minutes later in my series of errands I see a recently installed video billboard for a car wash. High tech trickles down and so it has here, but look at this: We had temperatures in the low 70's at mid day but our warm spell, the envy of a frigid nation, is rolling back, so at 5:55 p.m. yon billboard says we are at 55 degrees. Well, make a wish time! To be safer? Maybe. And I notice someone still uses farenheit. Back at home, my dish drainer is pretty badly organized, even in the silverware compartment. I drop a butter knife and fork on the floor and quickly clean them. The fork will be used for a quick dinner, as I am going out again, and I attempt to put the knife with the crowded silverware. It bounces out and hits one of my drinking glasses, which rolls out and shatters on the floor. I don't believe I wished to be in a scene from a John Woo film! Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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