Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Happy |
2002-08-23 9:47 PM Candles, incense, and Pink Floyd “Testing the Waters”: 1877 DONE!
We have an orange calla lily outside our front door. I didn’t know they came in orange! It’s so pretty. I’m in a good mood today. Part of it’s because Ken’s coming home, but part is because I’ve lost three pounds this week. I’d been at an impasse for awhile, so this is cool. Sadly, I do better when Ken’s away, because I don’t really eat dinner. Most nights I just have a salad in the early evening, and then maybe a small snack (Triscuits with cream cheese is my current obsession) later. So I obviously bailed on writing yesterday [hang head in shame]. I wrote a tiny bit, but not enough to count; those words will get added to today’s total. I really don’t know what happened. I’ve done about 200 words already today, and the end is creeping up. One more major scene, then the denoument. So why is every word being reluctantly dragged from my fingertips? Apparently lighting candles and incense and listening to Pink Floyd’s “The Division Bell” repeatedly is the key to finishing this story. I’m getting closer (601 words)… 1852 words and DONE! I need to do a little research on types of diving (competitive, not deep sea) and tweak one scene, and then the story can go out to critiquers. So, tra la. Had a lovely picnic at Seal Beach (voted the best sandcastle building beach in America) and watched the sun set, leaving the sky streaked with pink and orange like a Maxfield Parrish painting. Then we came home and have been relaxing, reading the paper, etc. We’ll pack the car tonight for Academy of the Sword, and go to bed at a reasonable time (no, really). And on that note, my darlings, I bid you good night. Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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