Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Tired |
2002-10-21 11:59 PM Spiritual insomnia WBG queries mailed
“Wildwood” editing Ow. Bloody great ow. It was another of those “did I sleep at all?” nights. I had the light off by about 1 a.m. (Ken had gone to bed several hours earlier, being that he had to get up at 5 a.m.) Then I tossed and turned. I’m sure I slept a bit, but not deeply. Lots of fleeting wandering images, mostly of Green Men (between making the masks and editing “Return to Wildwood”, this isn’t a surprise). My tummy was rumbly and gaseous, too. When Ken’s alarm went off at 5, I accepted the fact that I wasn’t going to get back to sleep before he left, so I ate a Remegel and pottied and read for a bit. Tried sleeping again. I was up by a little after 7, and an hour later, I’m still here. I would’ve had to get up at 9, so there’s no sense trying again. But ow, dammit. Oh, and for some reason, my big toes hurt, as if I’d mildly sprained them. No memory of doing that, of course. Unless I did it in my sleep…or lack thereof… Great, now I’m not making any sense at all. At this point, I’m up, and I might as well be productive, but writing e-mails isn’t going to work well if I make no sense. Hoooookay. Showered, had my chiro appt., which felt very good. I’m loaning my massage therapist my Malificent hat for Hallowe’en. Now I’m home, been through e-mail, had a cup of tea. I know what I’m going to do next. But what I _want_ to do next, oddly, is read something like The Celtic Shaman. What does exhaustion/lack of sleep have to do with spirituality, one wonders? Gods know, if I tried to meditate right now, I’d fall over and start snoring. Now I’m back from Round Two of taking the Most Expensive Cats in the World to the vet for their yearly shots. Grimoire is fat and I have to start buying special food. He also has icky teeth that need cleaning; that’ll happen on Wednesday and he’ll also get microchipped while he’s under. Eclipse’s heart murmur is a bit worse than we realised—a 3 out of 6—so she’ll be having an echocardiogram in December sometime. They want to do that before they anæsthetise her to clean her teeth and chip her. I forgot to ask when I was in the other day about getting Eostre chipped… Ye gods. Oh, yeah, and he found flea poop on Grimoire, so they all get a flea treatment. Wrote up two more query letters for WBG (“hi, I’ve got this here novel, wanna see it?”) and did some crit work. Now I’m going to make another pass through “Wildwood” and see if I can trim any more off of it. Oh, and write a freakin’ 200-300 word bio about my pseudonym. How am I supposed to do that?! (Maybe I should just make something up…) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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