Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2002-10-28 11:59 PM Time saunters BH notes: 931
Okay, it’s 1:30 p.m., I’ve got a strong cuppa (my one caffeine hit of the day), and I’m ready to do some actual work. Yes, it’s taken me this long to get started. My day started at 5:30 a.m. when I got up to say goodbye to Ken. I then went back to bed, but I’d set my alarm for 9 p.m. instead of a.m., so I woke up at 9:45, with 15 minutes to dress, perform ablutions, eat, and get to my chiro appt. I also printed direction from my chiro appt to my other doctor appt afterwards, but forgot the printout. Made it everywhere okay. Came home, ate lunch, did the final work on the Sage journal (which I’d planned to do before I left, and thus mail it on my way home), and went out to mail it and some other things. So now I’m back, and home for good (with folks coming over for sewing tonight). I’m going to deal with some e-mail, update Quicken, and then do some prelim work on BH. I’d like to do some work on the new Sage journal, but realised the computer files haven’t been mailed to me yet. Much later. I don’t know where the afternoon went. Lots of e-mail, I guess. I did type up my notes on BH, and realised there are some very sketchy chapters (including one with nothing in it at all). Next I’m going to go through the synopsis I sent and see if anything jumps out at me to add to the outline. I’ve never been good at outlining stories…stuff just happens while I’m writing, and it works. I’m just trying to avoid any moments of not knowing what happens next. Morgana has loaned me a book on creating authentic Victorian rooms, so I’m going to curl up with it tomorrow and start learning. That may even give me some ideas. I should do some random character sketches, too. I did laundry, and washed dishes, ooh ahh. Still need to unpack from the weekend, though. So, Ken called me several times today. He’s exhausted, poor thing. His hotel room this time has a huge Jacuzzi tub, apparently, and it made him sad that I wasn’t there to share it with him. He also thought he couldn’t soak because of his recent surgery, but I checked the paperwork and he’s good to go. I joked that we should both sit in our Jacuzzi tubs and call each other. (Once, when he was in Korea, he ordered “Rob Roy” on the hotel TV and I popped in the video and we watched them. It was a four hour conversation. We didn’t mean to stay on the phone the whole time…) Folks came over for sewing tonight. Jonathan brought a friend who needed a cloak. Ken’s the cloak expert, but I grabbed the lining of his old cloak (which had taken apart and turned into an Italian great coat with a different lining) and we ended up using that as the lining for the guy’s cloak. Got about 85% of it done before the black serger went wonky. I was getting a little tired, too. Gave Thorin some trim to put on his hat, and he got all anal retentive and was here until 12:30 a.m. handsewing (and stabbing himself repeatedly). It looks totally bitchen’, though. I also got a bunch of embroidery done on one of the two Queen’s Guard baldrics I’m working on. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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