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2002-12-31 5:40 PM End Renfaire: 1002
It’s the last day of the month and I’ve got more stuff to do than I can fit into the day, so any sort of retrospective will have to wait for a few days. More work was done on the roof today. We’re looking at at least two more days. It’s going to be done well and right; in part it’s taking longer because when the ripped off the old stuff, they discovered one section was completely soaked beneath, so that involved ripping out all the rotted stuff and re-doing it. Yeesh. Yesterday evening Meg showed up and made us dinner. Then she handed me cut-out tunics and I proceeded to start sewing them up. She’s directing Macbeth for the private school at which she teaches and I’m getting paid to make most of the garb Tunics, tabards, and baldrics for 10-year-olds. Mostly just serging up the sides and around the edges. No hemming or nuthin’. Given how fast I’m going through them, I can say that I’m making an obscene amount of money for my time. (What a nice feeling!) After all that, we sat in the hot tub and chatted, and went to bed about 1 a.m. Ken got up horribly early this morning to work on the roof with Marty & Dennis. I normally can’t get back to sleep after he gets up, but it was one of those weird mornings where I couldn’t really wake up and was having weird dreams and so forth. I’d completely forgotten yesterday that it was Monday and thus totally spaced on my chiro appt, so it was rescheduled for this morning. When I finally dragged my eyelids open, I had about 25 minutes to get ready. Meg went, too, because her shoulder was really hurting and her chiropractor was out of town, so it took a little longer than usual, but that’s okay. My neck really needed adjustment—love that zipper-like popping sound. We came home, and Meg made crab and shrimp omelets for everyone, and I did lots of dishes, and threw in laundry, and straightened, and realised I was doing all the housework because I was stressed. I had the story to work on, and tunics to sew, and today was the last day of a 25% off coupon at the used bookstore, and… Ack ack ack. Meg calmed me down by curling up on the sofa with me and looking through catalogues, and then told me to go write 1000 words. Obedient child that I am, I did just that. I apparently got so into it at one point that I didn’t hear her tap on the open door to tell me she’d cut out the rest of the tunics. Ooops. (The music was on, too.) She and I sat in the hot tub briefly, and then she left, and I showered, and Ken finished work on the roof a bit early. We’re going to Meg and Matt’s tonight and going out for sushi, and then we’ll hang out with them until midnight. We were going to spend the night, but we have to be back early tomorrow for more roof work. The story, unfortunately, is not going to get done before we leave. I made a concerted effort, and it’s going well, and I think it’s sale-able elsewhere. So that’s okay. Good grief, I haven’t even written up about the Styx concert! I wrote a huge long e-mail to Sarah about it as soon as we got home (‘cause she told me to!), so I’ll grab that and edit it down at some point. Or maybe not. I’m guessing most of ya’ll don’t care, and I’ve got the e-mail saved, so as a “journal entry” it still exists for me. Suffice to say, at this point in time, that it was a fan-fucking-tastic concert. Everyone moved forward when Styx came out, so we got up and I ended up being just behind people who were standing at the stage. They played 1.5 new songs from the upcoming album! Huzzah! Both were wonderful. And we got two pics (Glen, who is now “Freebo” [previously he has been all members of Spinal Tap] and JY) and a beach ball that says “Styx” on it. We’ve got to leave soon for dinner. I need to dress and make-up and such, so I’ll end this here. My next entry will be in 2003. Wow. 2002 was quite a year—we moved back to California, bought a house, I went to OCW and wrote a lot and sold a fair number of stories, we got Court Baronies, we went to a wedding and a handfasting, we spent a lot of time with family and friends. Here’s to a happy, fun, love-filled, productive 2003. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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