Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2003-03-10 11:59 PM Broken wheels and masks Another day winds to a close. This morning I saw Ken off, and then crawled back into the cold bed to sleep for awhile longer, which left me with fragmented dreams about broken wheels. I was a little sad and didn?t want to get up and face the day, but I did, knowing I had lots to do that I could distract myself with. And much did I accomplish.
I finished the section of the Sage journal that I had, and just now saw that the next bit has been uploaded for me, so I?ve got more to do tomorrow. I don?t think it?ll be a problem finishing it all by the deadline. I?m being good about taking frequent breaks so my shoulders don?t get tweaked. I dyed some linen of an odd olive drab green, and it came out a lovely forest green. There?s enough to do a cotehardie, for which I have some trim that I think I?ll bead first (I know, like I need another project. But it?ll be so pretty!) and for a tunic upon which I want to embroider spirals, probably in gold. I?d love to have it for Black Oak Lodge, but I won?t work on sewing it until I?ve finished the banner (although I?ll be doing handwork on the banner _at_ Black Oak). I may make the tunic to wear, and do the embroidery later. We?ll see. I still have a goodly number of projects that have more pressing deadlines. This evening during sewing night I worked on the banner, and it?s going very well. It?s cut out and mostly fused together. I still need to find the right cord for edging, and to bead the goutty, but I feel like I?ve really moved ahead on it, which is good. I?ve even started the documentation. Oh! and the wonderful Gerhardt, who taught the mask-making workshops here and at GWW that resulted in our making our masks, went out of his way to drop off books here today so I can write the documentation for Ken?s mask for Pentathlon. Gerhardt deserves a medal for that! So now it?s late, and I?m tired, and there?s much to do tomorrow, so I?ll end this now. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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