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Mood: Tired Read/Post Comments (2) |
2003-05-18 11:59 PM Food & needlework So, the weekend. We hit traffic on Thursday evening, which sucked; we’d hoped to get out earlier and avoid the worst of it. Of course, it may just be that unless it’s the middle of the night, there will be bad traffic. One of the curses of living in SoCal, mediated by the endless opportunities. (We read the LA Times this weekend and made notes on three or four museum exhibits we have to see…) Anyway, we ate at Olga’s on the way. Ohhhhhloga’s. It’s sort of Greek food, but it’s unique to the restaurant, and the closest one in the chain is in Thousand Oaks. Yum. Then we continued on our way to Morgana and Brian’s. They weren’t home yet, so we took a walk around the neighbourhood and picked out Victorian houses we wanted. And a cool garden to go with them (the attached house was Spanish style—pretty, but not Victorian).
M&B were home by the time we wandered back, and we spent an enjoyable evening with friends. Highlight: “The Neanderthal Anti-Defamation League: Because they can’t stand upright for themselves.” And I found out where to buy Lady Grey Tea (Cost Plus, in case anyone else was wondering). We went walking to see the lunar eclipse, but couldn’t (the moon was still too low on the horizon), so we got in the car and drove to the edge of a field. Still couldn’t see it. Went to a doughnut shop and got tooth-achingly sweet food. Sat in the car. Still couldn’t see it. Started to drive back to the edge of the field, and Morgana and I spotted it simultaneously—about 45 degrees from where we’d been looking. Argh. We watched it for a little while, then headed back to their house and watched in from their balcony. A poorly placed streetlight was annoying, but we could still see things pretty well. Friday morning we lounged and I embroidered. Morgana had slept badly and so arose late. Ken noticed in an ad for Fry’s that they were selling “Dangerous Beauty” DVDs for $3.99 in a one-day only sale. Because Morgana had to get ready for the class she was teaching that night, we went a-shopping. Which, unfortunately, meant we had to battle traffic and go back into the Valley to the nearest Fry’s. We got four out of the five remaining DVDs (great gift! Morgana took one to give to someone.), a free paper shredder (well, $12.99 with a $12.99 rebate; ours still works, but we must have run a staple through it, because it’s really loud now), and an $18 digital camera. Yeah, that’s right. You can’t preview the pics or anything, but it’ll be useful for selling things on eBay and whatnot. We battled traffic back to Oxnard, and went out for fast Thai food with M&B. Upon our return, Brian and Ken played with rapier equipment, and I sat in on Morgana’s Wicca 101 class (I was in the first class, 9 year ago. Eep!) and embroidered. Got the tunic done. Learned stuff. It was all good. Saturday was Darach Anniversary, and we had a lovely time. Ken fought rapier, and although he didn’t do very well, he had a good time, and that’s what’s important. I ran around with errands and such at the beginning, and then Albra and I renewed our Pelican/protégé contract with friends as witnesses and attendees. Very, very nice. I so appreciate everyone’s support. For the rest of the day, I sat in the Darach pavilion with friends and it was just as it should be. I embroidered, Eilidh spun, Morgana and Muirenn and Kelebek made lucet cord (and I managed to teach both Morgana and Muirenn how, which was cool), and Richard played a recorder-like instrument, and we all chatted. Just so pleasant, and it felt period. It’s hard to describe. Friends got awards at both Courts, and we helped tear down, and it was a good day. We went to Meg & Matt’s and met up with Muirenn and Samara; M&M had picked up Indian food on the way home and we all stuffed ourselves silly. After a game of Strawberry Shortcake with Julian, we came home. Which brings us up to yesterday’s entry. <><><> Today was the GWW meeting. Not a lot I can say about that. Progress on the War continues apace. I’m a little sleepy today, which is making it hard to get thing done. Some e-mail, some laundry, etc. I’ve decided I hate the embroidery I did yesterday, and will be ripping some of it out. I think I know how to make it better. I’m just stressin’ a little about getting it done by the deadline. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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