Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Punchy Read/Post Comments (0) |
2003-06-19 11:59 PM Preminatory hallucinations notwithstanding 4 p.m., and actually ready to start working. This morning we got up early (for us, anyway) and I followed Ken to a BMW dealer so he could drop off the bike for routine maintenance. Then we swung by a sail shop and had extra wonking big grommets put in the Baronial pavilion in two places where Ken repaired it. Came home, and Ken made burgers and grilled onions for lunch (we love our George Foreman grill sooooo much!). Cleaned the kitchen, regrouped, etc., and then went to WalMart to drop of photos, to Trader Joe’s, and to the regular grocery store. Now we’re home, all groceries are put away, receipts are typed into Quicken, mail has been gone through and bills paid (and I got a rejection from Weird Tales for “Testing the Waters”—phooh. Although, even though WT is overstocked and takes forever to answer, I always appreciate that they have a brief comment on the stories they reject.), and it’s time to get to work.
The question of “Which docs should I write first? Rose beads or embroidery?” is answered by “If I write the embroidery docs first, then I can get all the embroidery books off my desk finally.” Okay, those docs are done. Made Mexican for dinner (frozen enchiladas from TJ’s, rice and beans from a mix, plus fresh chopped tomatoes). Watched CSI and started another embroidery project. Back to the computer now. I bought some wonderful lip balm (not blam, as I initially wrote, although wouldn’t that be interesting?) at TJ’s. Vitamen E/Calendula/Chamomile. Tastes vaguely like lemon, although there’s none in the ingredients. My lips have been chapped lately, for the first time since I was about 10 and attempted to solve the problem with Avon Strawberry Lip Gloss, which I proved to be allergic to. I have strange allergies. To that, and to various painkillers. Yeah, many prescription painkillers give me migraines. How sucky is that? Now, Demerol, that I like. Goood stuff. Preminatory hallucinations notwithstanding. E-mail down to a slightly more manageable level, one chapter critted of a great romance novel by a friend (I have three more chapters to go, but I wanted to get overall comments to her now. This is a great book and I feel horribly guilty for having to delay it because of Portland and the Sage job.). Still feeling stressed. Getting too tired to be able to deal with the stress. Must sleep… Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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