Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Styxified! Read/Post Comments (0) |
2003-09-12 11:58 PM Go ahead, stare at my chest, Larry I’ve done a little work on the new Sage journal and edited the majority of the articles for the GWW Gate Booklet (the easy ones, anyway). Just waiting for Tani to show up, and then we’re off to Temecula to see Styx.
I will note that yesterday’s spelling of Bookendedd was Welsh. Honest, really. <><><> I won’t bore you all with the entire details of the concert; I’ve already rambled at Sarah, so I’ll copy the highlights here. I called Sarah during the concert and held the phone up for “Blue Collar Man”. Tommy came over during the guitar solo and played at the phone. Totally cool. At the beginning of the concert, he also pointed at my shirt (from the 1979 Cornerstone tour, signed by several members) and grinned. I did a big arms-wide thing and grinned back. Larry stared at my chest throughout “Renegade”. Hey, it’s a size-medium shirt, and I do not have a size-medium chest, and I was, shall we say, actively dancing. The security guards sucked. Before the concert started, Keith (Production Manager Extraordinaire) told them to let people stand up against the stage. They still harassed us. Halfway through the concert, the idiot guard in front of us, who'd been dealing with us all along, asked to see our tickets AGAIN. He got to me and I pointed to the seat right behind me. He indicated he wanted to see my ticket. I started digging it out, and at that point Larry came over, whupped the guy (I'm serious, he whacked him), and said, "They're okay; leave them alone." He's totally my hero now. They played four songs from Cyclorama (the album that came out this year), and the 14-minute medley that encompasses songs from every album put out by A&M on vinyl (spanning 1975-1983). The concert, obviously, rocked. I can’t wait until Sunday night for the next one. <><><> Hi, mom! Twenty years later, and I’m still an obsessed Styx fan. Bet you didn’t expect that, huh? I’m actually very predictable. I’m still a Styx fan, still a fantasy fan, still writing. In those respects, I’m no different than I was at 17. <><><> When I wake up tomorrow (it’s nearly 3 a.m. now), I must do lots and lots of copy editing. Then, folks will be coming over to watch Eddie Izzard videos. At least, I hope they will. I’ve received only two “yes” RSVPs, and four “no”s and three “maybe”s. Which leaves four people/couples who haven’t even answered. Dangnabbit. Relatedly, I also need to do some grocery shopping. But now I should go to bed and dream of Stygian goodness, which mostly translates to “Larry’s butt in those tight jeans”. (Ken took a picture of Larry’s butt for me once. That’s how wonderful a husband I have.) Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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