Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Verrry sleeeepy Read/Post Comments (3) |
2003-10-29 11:50 PM Proceed with caution. Bumpy entry ahead. I’m so tired. It sucks. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, between staying up to watch TV and getting up this morning (waking up before the alarm again) to pick up the GP from the copy shop and then diving down to Cota de Coza to pick up the rest of the chronicler stuff from the former chronicler. It’s 4:30 p.m. now and I haven’t written (although I did get more than 1K done on the story yesterday) or copy edited. What I want to do is put up Samhain decortations, and vacuum the house (or, more specifically, I want the house to be vacuumed; I’m not thrilled at the concept of doing it myself), and fold and staple GPs and watch more mindless TV. I want Ken to be home so we can watch TV together, and frolic, and run off and see a movie or something. But he’s now not coming home until late Friday night, and he’ll have only 2 days to get caught up on life (including having some work done on the car) before he leaves Monday for at least 2 weeks in Korea. Part of me just wants to grab him and run off and play; part of me knows stuff needs to get done (and that part of me is the part that has gotten rather frustrated recently over the things that need to get done).
Sorry. Should’ve put a “Warning: Long, Cranky Paragraph Ahead. Proceed With Caution” sign up top. Really, things aren’t that bad.* They just build up when I’m tired. The writing is moving along, despite all of my subconscious’ best efforts to thwart me (more on that later, maybe), and the story is probably better than I think it is. I’ve got a little anxiety about finishing it, but not a lot. The copy editing is going fine; I have extra time with this one, but am keeping up with it, and will try to turn it in early in the hopes that I’ll have a few “free” days. November looks like it’s going to be a nice month, Ken’s absence notwithstanding. Money-wise, no stress; Ken’s getting more work and we’re talking about doing some things we’ve been putting off, like car stuff and house stuff. Maybe a new hot tub, unless we figure out a way to refinish this one. Nothing major, nothing designed to wipe out our savings, just being a little less nervous about spending. Anyway, there are a few events, a few trips and visitations planned, and no major projects are due, so I feel like it’ll be a month for getting stuff done. I’m going to do some sort of NaNoWriMo thing, although it won’t be starting and finishing a new novel. The smartest thing would be to finish AETW, or at least do 1K/day, and also work on some short stories. I also have our holiday newsletter to work on, but that’s not a major thing. Okay, it’s nearing midnight. I’m amazed I stayed awake this long. I had a Reuben for supper, and the GP is ready to go except for the stamp-buying part, which will happen tomorrow (I found a bunch of 32¢ and 34¢ stamps in the boxes, so I have to get weird small denominations). I watched a few-weeks-old ep of “Enterprise” and wasn’t impressed; later, Cat and I watched an ep of “Carnivale” and were confused. I discovered that all the eps are available on HBO On Demand, so I will buy lots of videotapes and copy them over. I can’t remember what else I did. No writing or editing. Must focus on those tomorrow. And I’ll try to get caught up on all the things I’ve been doing over the past few days, too! Oh oh oh, before I forget! VH-1 Classics played “Music Time” tonight! Way to pick a really obscure Styx video, folks. I was gobsmacked. And pleased that I recognised it out of the corner of my eye before the music even started. *Although when I first typed this sentence, it said, “Really, things are that bad”, and I’m glad I caught it! <><><> Word Counts, "Queen of Heart, Hand of Fate" this week so far... Monday: 851 Tuesday: 1137 Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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