Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2003-11-03 11:59 PM Some catching up I woke up thinking about a story I wrote a couple months ago, “Sacrifice to Silence”, trying to figure out how to tweak it. Of course, I should read the various comments again. It’s one of those in which some people didn’t catch things I said. I can make those things stronger, but then will they be too obvious? Not sure. I’ll re-read the story and comments later, and decide. But first, a shower, and indexing the journal so I can sent it off, and then errands with Ken.
Okay. Journal’s done. It’s also 7 p.m., my wrist and back are killing me, and people will be here in half an hour for sewing. And Ken leaves stupidly early tomorrow morning. The good news is, I won’t have another journal until next week, so I can catch up on writing, projects, e-mail, and life this week. <><><> I still need to update so much here! Last Sunday (the weekend before Samhain), I went to Tani (aka my Styx pimp) and Johnny’s for a Hallowe’en party. No costumes, just food and movies. We watched a bunch of Simpsons episodes, Night of the Lepus (my contribution, natch), and Young Frankenstein, which I hadn’t seen in forEVer. It was fun, and I’m glad we finally got together. We live 10 minutes apart, and barely ever see each other. On the way to the party, the sun was blood-red in the ashy haze of the sky. On Monday, I had a chiro appt., which included new X-rays (we’ll discuss them tomorrow…). At some point Ken called and told me he wasn’t coming home ‘til Friday. Now, ya’ll know I’m not much for shopping. Just don’t enjoy it. (This does not apply to books.) I didn’t feel particularly bummed about the delay in his return, because I’d been braced for it. Oh, I was bummed, but not surprised-upset. Still, my subconscious must have been, because the next thing I knew, I was indulging in retail therapy from the comfort of my own home. It started because I still hadn’t been able to find the new Styx DVD anywhere, so I ordered it online. One of the places I looked was overstock.com, which had a lot of other DVDs I wanted, many for about $10. So I went ahead and got Ladyhawke, Sirens, and Boys on the Side. After I did that, I went _back_ to see if they had the unrated version of Fire on the Amazon (an old Sandra Bullock movie. The unrated was a requirement because of the nudity. As someone commented Friday night, I am occasionally a dirty old man. At the time, it was because I was commenting on Nicole Kidman’s legs. But I digress.). They had it, so I ordered it. Then I stopped. Sewing folks didn’t stay late (it’s been quiet since the War—just wait, they’ll come in droves again right before Estrella, and I will glare sternly at them), so Cat and I curled up with parmesan popcorn and, later, our leftover dessert, and watched Charmed. I managed to get a little writing done somewhere in there, too. Tuesday, I wrote, amazingly. I also sent out six stories, plus a query about guidelines. The next day, I received one swift rejection and the query answer, so I sent two stories out, giving me a two-day total of seven (if you count one sent twice as one). I copy edited, too. Cat didn’t go to band practise (all that’s left to record on Forever Twelve’s second album is some flute parts, and her lungs were mucked because of the smoke), so we watched some TV. I did a little weaving. And that was Tuesday. Wednesday I picked up the GP from the copy shop. then went to Santine’s to pick up the boxes of paperwork and files for the GP. I ended up staying for about two hours, chatting with her and her daughter. When I left, I knew I had to get gas, and suddenly I realised that I was staaaarving. So I bought a Premiere about fall movies and hied myself into a Pick Up Stix (Chinese chain). I felt much better after I ate. Still, I didn’t get home until late, and I wrote an entry after that, so know we’re caught up. The only other thing I did, which I forgot to mention in that entry, is indulge in a little more retail therapy, in the form of a Yule present for Ken. Hee hee. I’m having fun shopping this year, so far. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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