Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2003-11-22 11:59 PM Successes and failures I have a System again! I have Word, and Excel, and Explorer, and it’s all on my own computer!
But now the computer won’t recognise Eisteddfod, the drive with all of my files on it. Bad news, sports fans. I won’t bore you with all the details of what we’ve tried, but we do have one more plan of attack. Matt should be calling me back tonight to let me know if it works, and if it does, I’ll have the drive back tomorrow. I guess I’m not going to the German costuming workshop after all. I had a lovely, lovely morning. After I picked up the computer from the Apple store, I went to CostPlus World Market and bought us new SCA dishes. I’ve been using a black Celtic set that I bought years ago. I love it dearly, but I’ve broken the mug, and food gets caught in the design. Ken’s nice plate broke several years ago, and he’s just been using one of the light metal plates we bought for travelling. We needed a set. So I got cobalt blue large plates, small plates, and bowls. These will go with our silver metal plates, silver small goblets, blue Cristel Illusion goblets, and some blue candleholders. We also have a blue tablecloth. Ack. Just typing all that, I had to change so many preferences. I came home after shopping, and soon thereafter the duct cleaning guy showed up. Huzzah! Cat and I stayed in the study and got lots of work done. We feed off of each other’s organizational energy, it seems. I sent birthday cards, made lists, and did lots of little things. I’ve managed to cross an amazing amount of stuff off my To Do list recently. Cat left for her other home, and duct cleaning guy left, and I kept working until Meg, Matt, & Julian showed up. Matt and I went to Fry’s to get a new drive. We’d originally had an 80 gig drive, and Ken had said to bump up the size if it didn’t cost much more. He expected to spend $150-200. Well, we found a 120 gig drive. On the box it said $149.99. On the display, it said $109.00. When we asked, they said $98. When we checked out, it was $98, AND I got a $30 rebate coupon! How cool is that?! We worked on the getting the computer set up, and then I took everyone out to an Indian place Ken and I had spotted recently. Consensus was that it was very good, albeit a little pricey. They do take-out, which is trés good. Matt just called. Our final plan has failed. Now all I can hope is that when Ken calls and I explain the problem, he’ll say, “Oh, it’s because you have to flip this lever here,” or something similarly simple. Otherwise…otherwise tomorrow I get to type in the entire Gyldenholt Press again. How festive is that? Not. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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