Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2003-12-05 11:59 PM Banging AETW: 432
exercise: 15 CT, 1/2 abs I did something downright scary today. Honestly, I was shaking a little with nervousness. I got my hair cut. Not overall cut, but I have bangs again for the first time in probably 5 years, when I started growing out my layered ‘do. I think I look best with my hair layered, but it sucked for SCA purposes, and wasn’t convenient for the bike, either. My only requirement for the bangs was there had to be a graceful way to more or less hide them for SCA stuff. I think we succeeded. I can brush them to the side, possibly gel them a little. Even if I’m wearing early period garb and therefore won’t be wearing a veil, the coronet should keep them in place. I’m still startled when I see myself in a mirror, though. <><><> My comp copies of Dyke the Halls arrived today. My story is last, which means it was considered one of the strongest. And in the Introduction, the editor said, “Although [the authors] came up with some delightful surprises instead, such as Andrea Dale’s really hot tale, ‘Frozen.” [beam] I’m unaccountably proud of this story. And, re-reading it, I’m bemused to see quotes stolen from both Ken and Anwyn regarding snow. Hee hee. I also have to thank Teresa for letting me run with this story; we were supposed to write it together, and brainstormed most of it, but when I started writing, I found I couldn’t stop, and she let me go for it. [sigh] I wish they’d found a competent proofreader, though. The typo was in my original ms (I just checked) but it’s an obvious one. And I’ve found small errors in some of the other stories, too. <><><> Ken’s in Japan this weekend, visiting his old boss from his old company (before we moved to the UK to work for the same company, but renamed and with the US portion mostly shut down). I’m glad they’re keeping in touch, but I’m bummed that I probably won’t hear from him again until Sunday my time, which will be Monday his time. <><><> You know, I never did finished updating the final days of T’giving and the Homeless Waifs Party. Saturday night we tried to play a game that some friends of mine had created, but we realised there were some gaps in the rules. We took extensive notes on the problem, and then played a couple of rounds of Fluxx, as I recall. Sunday we played Fluxx, Nuclear War (a rather disturbing game involving dropping nuclear weapons on each other), and Tigris & Euphrates, a board game not unlike Settlers of Cataan, but, obviously, set in a specific time and place. I’m not sure why being aggressive in T&E is less disturbing than in Nuclear War, except maybe that it’s because it’s so much earlier, and thus more distant. Then I packed up and headed home and gave my lonely kitties lots of cuddles and scritchies. <><><> I just saw the “So Graham Norton” ep with Tony Head! Hilarious! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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