Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-01-29 11:59 PM Portable again! Eostre is unhappily at the vet for her EKG (which will cost almost $300) (donations accepted) (just kidding), and we broke down and got Subway for a late breakfast (and got foot-long subs so we also have lunch awaiting us). The computer backup seems to be working properly. Ken’s out finishing up sanding and staining the library shelves, and then we’ll run some more errands.
Slowly working through e-mail. I can see the bottom of the In Box. Of course, the Drafts folder is piling up, but I intend to clear that out. I have two surveys I want to answer (one re: sexuality and one re: SCAdians view of the Crowns), though, which will take more time. I got an extension on the journal I’m editing, which will help a lot. With so many errands we’re running and projects we’re finishing, it’s hard to find a large chunk of time to work on it (and it’s not the type of thing that can be done in 10-minute spurts). I’m so very tired. Slept badly last night again, of course. We got to bed too late and had to get up early, and I was all out of sorts anyway. Maybe I’ll take a nap this afternoon… <><><> I have a cool new toy! We went out today and bought me a new laptop. (For those of you coming in late, the TiBook was my laptop, but then Ken took it over when he lost his job. Until we actually bought the new one today and designated it as mine, it was a toss-up whether he’d get a new one or I would.) I’m now the delighted owner of a 12-inch G3 iBook. It’s pure white, less than 5 lbs, and just too cute for words. The screen feels small (my regular monitor is huge) but I’ll get used to it. Now I can work at B&N, or sitting out by the pool, or in bed! Much more convenient than the Palm (which has its uses, still). The laptop needs a name. The G4 (main) computer doesn’t have a name, although all of my computers are unofficially MacEddie (from “Hi! I’m Eddie, your shipboard computer!”). I never named the TiBook (although “TiBook” always made me think of tie fighters from Star Wars). My old orange clamshell was Nuclear Sherbert. The giant office-sized printer is the Behemoth, and the color printer/scanner/copier is the Contraption. On the G4, the two disks are Codex (applications and system) and Eisteddfod (documents, etc.). I’m leaning towards a non-gendered name, although Gwyn (for “white”) popped into my head. Suggestions are encouraged! I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet. On the way home from buying it we picked up the car, and then we picked up Eostre, and then we ate supper, and then I picked up the GP, and then I prepped the GP to mail (except I need stamps), and then my dear friend Margaret called from NM and we talked for something like 2 hours. I just took a shower, which sort of woke me up, but that won’t last. There’s someone here helping Ken try to get Vicki-Marie’s laptop up and running, so he hasn’t had a chance to install Office on the new laptop anyway. <><><> I answered lots of e-mail today. Got it down to 9 messages, 3 of which were reminders to myself and 2 of which were the surveys. A few more have come in, but I can handle them. I feel much better about this aspect of life. Meanwhile, the library shelves are drying in the library, and we’ll put all that together tomorrow. I’ll have to buy stamps and mail the GP. We’ll probably go sewing machine and serger shopping. I’m not sure what all else is on The List. Then, Saturday is an event, and Ken leaves stupidly early on Sunday. Shit… Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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