Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-04-01 11:59 PM Faint thudding noise ALNM: 1826
Happy April Fool’s! I don’t like practical jokes for the most part, so there won’t be any faux bombshells in here. I think the real joke is always, how the hell did it get to be April already?! We had to take Charlie to the vet today, because, gods forbid, it had been more than a month since we’d taken any of the cretins in. The right side of her lip was red and swollen. She has an infection. She also has two infected nail pads. Ew. We now have antibiotics to squirt down her throat, cleaning solution, and antibiotic solution, all to be done twice a day. How festive. We went to a yarn shop today because Sarah has become a knitting fiend, and to Trader Joe’s. We watched two eps of “Kingdom Hospital” and are caught up. We plotted the rest of ALNM, and we wrote, ‘though not as much as we’d planned. The plotting took longer than we expected, and also drained us more than we expected. Phew. The book’s good, though. Needs some polishing, some tweaks at the beginning, but it’s good. The proposal (letter and synopsis) will go in the mail next week, and we’ll spend the rest of this month polishing everything so it’s ready to send when we get the go-ahead. (Like that bit of positive thinking? ;-) ) Hee hee. We watched “Hunting Venus” tonight. I do so love that movie. <><><> So, Tuesday. We picked up my car from the shop. No longer does the temperature gauge shoot to “overheated”! Even better, I have working air conditioning again! Much joy and elation. Sarah and I went grocery shopping and picked up many foodstuffs that were potentially bad for us. I got two free movie passes for having spent $200 at the grocery store in X amount of time, because I got a preferred customer card. Eep. Upon arriving back home, Ken asked if I’d had lunch ideas. Er, well, not exactly. I’d just bought Stuff. I managed to whip up awesome nachos in record time, though, and everyone was quite pleased. Sarah and I went off to the used book store and even though I dropped off many books, I spent more than I planned—especially given I’d forgotten my To Buy list. I remembered a fair amount of stuff, like Nora Roberts’ Key trilogy (which I was chuffed to find all three books in, because it’s very new). We came home and wrote (see that day’s entry for wordcount), and then settled down to watch videos and, well, drink, as we are wont to do. At some point, rather inebriated, Sarah decided we should play with the Ouija board. Now, I haven’t played with a Ouija board since college. I had some bad experiences then, and also had a friend manipulating the board. That said, I haven’t been able to get rid of my board. It just seems to show up in my stuff; I can never bring myself to toss it out. Sarah and I had made one, one summer, and although I don’t remember what happened, I know it was amusing. So. We spent the first 15 minutes or so debating religion and after-death experience, which was interesting. Anyway. Suffice to say we’re the only Ouija board users who would end up talking to a 4-year-old who wouldn’t spell. Although Sarah and I matched each other in drinks throughout the evening, at some point she just decided she was through with it all, rolled over onto the air mattress (because I’m a dire hostess and can’t even provide a bed), and whined because I hadn’t yet turned off the light (I was feeding the cats). (She said she wasn’t whining, but sniveling. Sounded pretty much the same to me.) <><><> Tani is an evil, wicked woman. Today she e-mailed me and said since we were going to the OK City and Phoenix concerts, were we planning on going to the Albuquerque concert, because she had a friend with two second-row tickets. Yes, Albuquerque fits perfectly into our Southwest Motorcycle Trip schedule. Dang. <><><> So. All things being equal, what would you choose: to go to Crown Tournament (given that you haven’t been to an event in a while and it’s a good opportunity to see people you don’t see regularly) or lunch with Oregon Coast Writers (given that it’s a good writing incentive and a chance to see people you don’t see regularly)? <><><> Sarah has crashed; I’ve updated this and I think it’s time for me to fall over as well. Thump. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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