Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-04-28 11:59 PM Golden Waking the Witch synopsis: 1576
Had a slow morning, getting little things done here and there, taking a long, hot, and much-appreciated shower, tidying. After lunch I hauled my ass out of the house and dropped off the GP, then went to Staples and spent more than I planned on a variety of things, such as a desktop thing for letter-sized hanging folders and padded envelopes and magazine boxes. They had funky paper with scroll designs, and photo paper, on sale. And I bought a new set of felt-tip pens in 8 colours. Mmmmm, office supplies. After that I went to B&N and, miracle of miracles, found a table! Partway through I was joined by an older lady, which was fine; she was quiet, and I didn’t mutter out loud enough to scare her. I read through 10 or so chapters of Waking the Witch and started the outline. It’s a boring outline right now, consisting mostly of “and then Rowan did this”. Almost every paragraph starts with “Rowan”. But I’m just trying to get the plot points down, and then I’ll go back and pick the most important ones, and spiff it up. Most importantly, I discovered something—this is a really good book. I’ve forgotten a lot of it, and am amazed at times at how my brain came up with various clues and plot points. There were some tense, creepy scenes that had me scrolling down, eager to find out what happened next. Even though I _wrote_ the damn book. Writing is Cool. And I’m really glad that this workshop is giving me the kick in the pants to pull this novel out of the mothballs and make it work. <><><> “Buffy”/”Angel” media alert! Charisma Carpenter has posed nude for Playboy. There are various websites already displaying the shots. My, she does look fine. I may have to buy a copy. I mean, I already have the one with Elizabeth Gracen (Amanda from “Highlander”). <><><> A poison garden! How absolutely nifty! That’s it. On the list for the next Britain trip. <><><> Felt girly today, and now my toenails and fingernails are painted gold. It’s a little subtle than my mood demanded; I guess I should have gone with pink. But it’s still pretty. <><><> Rejection today from one of the Best Of erotica anthos. I haven’t even had the chance to check which story it was, yet. To balance that I got two anthology stories out today, and another WBG proposal is enveloped and will go out tomorrow. So there! I thumb my nose at entropy! Ha ha! Why yes, I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. Why do you ask? Kick ass “Angel” tonight. One beautifully handled moment that I can’t mention here because although it’s not a spoiler, it would take away the moment. I’m very cranky that it’s going away. Not to mention the fact that the final ep will be on while we’re somewhere in the Southwest. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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