Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-04-30 11:59 PM Lawn bowling for fun and profit I had my first stress dream about the OCW novel workshop! And I argued my way out of it in the dream! Go subconscious, whoo!
<><><> We unpacked books, books, and more books today! Well, I did, anyway. Ken hauled the boxes out back, and I hauled the empty ones back. Our recycle bin is already full, and it’ll immediately fill up after they pick up on Monday. But many history and travel books fill the shelves, in some semblance of organisation. And my art supplies are out there. And I found more books for the library, including another box of children’s books, which is a relief. I also found the journal I kept when I studied in England in 1987. Scribbled layouts of the first castles I ever visited, a smattering of bad poetry, some iffy story ideas, and my late teenage angst and overwhelming love of Britain. Here’s one of my favourite passages, written on the eve of my birthday: “I think I don’t want to turn 21 bec. I haven’t really accomplished anything yet. No more can I be the young wonder or such like that. I’ve gone this far, I’m crossing this threshold w/nothing major to show for it. If I can waste this much time, what’re my chances for the next 20 yrs?!” I want to go back and hug my former self, and say, “You’re right. Almost 20 years later, and you’re still going to feel like you waste way too much time.” Heh. My other favourite is this long rambling pain-filled thing about how I don’t want to leave Britain, and I have the chance to stay for the summer [I was trying to arrange a job at a youth hostel, but my parents came and dragged me home], and I was scared to stay on my own, but I needed to try, and and and… The very next paragraph begins, “I don’t understand lawn bowling.” <><><> They’re accepting applications for Society Chronicler. I will not apply…I will not apply…This is me not applying… And in the latest BoD meeting summary, they officially list Mynydd Gwyn as a new Shire! I mean, we started that. First meeting was in our car, going to an event. There was nothing, and now there’s something, and we were a part of the process. Just blows my mind, in a quiet, almost contemplative kind of way. <><><> We had a blast watching “Tru Calling” at Muirenn’s tonight. Kept having to pause to espouse this theory or that one, sometimes with all three of us girls talking at once. (Ken tends to be more mellow about these things—of course, now we keep turning away from our computers to discuss various plot points). We’ve decided we have to have a premiere party in autumn when season two starts. Hee. Then Cat headed to Ventura, and Ken and I came home and watched the latest “Joan of Arcadia”, and now will stagger off to bed. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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