Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-05-05 11:59 PM Five ounces of mayonnaise Waking the Witch: bits and pieces here and there
Today was not a good writing day. I’m not 100% sure what was wrong, although I can attribute PME and stress to at least some of it. I don’t think WtW is a bad book—every time I started to slip into that, I snapped back out of it—but today, I just couldn’t care. I didn’t care about the hero or the romantic arc or any of it. Maybe it’s being so close to it for a concentrated period of time. Maybe it’s that rewriting thing, where you have to fit new stuff in with the old stuff. I really don’t know. Finally, while showering, I started to come out of all of the crap, and I did get some work done. Although I didn’t rewrite the second half of the last chapter (what’s there now will be summarily deleted, because it doesn’t fit the book at all anymore), I did get the notes down, and change the synopsis accordingly. I also made the final edits to the synopsis that needed to be done. Tomorrow, one more pass through the book to note where the other bits of the romantic arc will appear, and then a mass of printing (9 copies of the synopsis plus first 3 chapters, and 2 copies of the synopsis plus full novel) and a big ol’ trip to the PO. And then, no doubt, I’ll be seized with the desire to work on it. Because my brain is obstinate and twisted like that. <><><> Otherwise, things are reasonable. I’ve been grumpy for all the reasons listed above, so I don’t want to do much of anything. I perk up at night, which would be great if I didn’t have to stay on a normal schedule because of the upcoming trip. (I can’t nap on the bike, alas.) I’m pretty much prepared for the trip. I have a list of what to take, and really, when you’re talking about packing saddlebags, there’s not a whole lot you _can_ take. The skirt for Ken’s grandmother’s 90th birthday party is something of a luxury. I’m pretty sure I’m going to break down and take the laptop, because with Bluetooth and the cell phone, I can log on anywhere, and at least delete all the spam. (I get a lot of spam. Prepare yourselves for a new e-mail address within a few months. Besides, there’s no reason to be “dayleandken” when Ken now has his own address, right?) The In Box and Drafts folder are almost empty. The DVR is almost empty. I do have those reports to write, but they’re short. Bills are paid. So, after mailing everything tomorrow, I’ll be rather free! I’d like to work on a short story, and I ought to call Sarah and see where things are on ALNM. Actually, first I should read the 3 chapters that I edited and sent to her, and she did another pass through and sent back. We’re about halfway through, and I expect Ms. Speedy will have the rest of it for my review by the time I get back. Which hopefully will be right about the time the editor requests the full ms. :-) I’m actually ahead on anthology submissions, which is nice. Yay me for getting things in before the deadlines. Which is not to say I couldn’t start working on later ones. In other news, we bought floaty chair things for the pool, and they’re a lot of fun. And we went to Costume Guild, and have tons of info about Spanish costuming now. Now, if I can only get Ken and Cat off their respective computers, we’ll watch “Angel”… <><><> I find it amusing that two Styx concerts in September are in Lincoln City. I’m guessing I can't swing a stay at the workshop house. Ah well! <><><> OMG! Hilarious “Angel” tonight! Must watch it again tomorrow. It didn’t, however, forward the plot, the “resolution” to the situation was weak, and Rome was obviously a set. But it was so much fun to watch. <><><> Oh, and Happy Cinco de Mayo! (Which is about Mexican Independence, not five ounces of mayonnaise.) Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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