Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-05-07 11:59 PM Ah, decisions Clap Your Hands if You Believe: 474
The cable modem’s being wonky today, so I can’t do as much stuff online or answer e-mail. But, that’s an excuse to do stuff away from the Internet, right? So far, I’ve mailed all of the OCW packages, and I’ve read the first two proposals for the workshop. Next up is to finish going over the ALNM chapters from Sarah. After that…we’ll see. Maybe a new story. <><><> It’s like Christmas! I found two bras in the back of my drawer, and they both fit perfectly! I barely remember them! So, yes, I’m packing. It’s about time. The thing about packing for the bike is that there’s a very limited amount of stuff I can take. I’m taking one skirt for Grandma Meese’s party, and my NAF (New Age Flake) shoes (my term for a pair of comfy shoes I bought in Glastonbury, which are purple with airbrushed moons and stars on ‘em), but otherwise, it’s leggings (for under my riding pants), various short-sleeved shirts, and socks and underwear. Really, the hardest thing is deciding what book(s) to take! I need stuff that’s interesting, but not too quick a read. Invariable, I’m in the middle of several books right now, and I hate taking a partly read one because I’ll finish it before the trip is through. Ack. <><><> Ken’s mom sent home with him my birthday present: a pair of dangly earrings in the Victorian style is absolutely adore, with red crystals. Cool. <><><> I started a new story tonight, the one I came up with on the way home from Portland. Not entirely sure where it’s going; I’m just going to let it go and see what happens. It’s dark fantasy, or maybe horror, which I’m not used to writing. I’ll probably shy away from things, and have to be firm and expose them. Might have to do a little soul-searching for this one. Which is what sitting on the back of the bike is sometimes good for. :-) <><><> Talked to Amy for a good while tonight, which was lovely; she’s so busy with work and school that I’m grateful she had the time to talk. I also called Sarah, and we spent more time talking about Secret Spells Barbie and her friend, Secret Spells Teresa, who’s a redhead (I’m reminded of Willow) than we did about the book, but that’s okay. She’s going to work on it whilst I’m gone and hopefully get close to the end in that time. Here’s hoping a happy “send me the ms” letter is on my desk by the end of the month! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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