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2004-06-28 11:59 PM Auntie Dayle rocks! Woo! Amazing concert last night!
We got there during Frampton and had the luck to see Larry be a roadie for Frampton’s bassist (handing him a new bass once) and Tommy be a roadie for Peter himself. We were very, very disappointed and upset to discover that Larry smokes. The back of his t-shirt (which the real roadies also wore), said “Bad Roadie – No Red Bull”. I said hi to Kathie, whom I knew would be there, and Julie, Judy, and Lisa—we were all surprised to see each other. So of course we hung out in front of the stage, and my luck held out—we were front and slightly left of center (between Larry and Ricky—the best place, as far as I’m concerned) for the whole concert! Usually security is really tight at this venue, but Keith apparently had worked his magic again. Nary a security guard to be seen. The only reason we were a few steps back from the stage was to give the camera guy room. Fiona, being 7 and adorable, proved to be a Styx magnet. I’d made a sign for her that said “First Concert” with arrows pointing down. All the guys acknowledged that with smiles or waves or pointing. Ricky carefully handed a pick right to her. JY tossed two picks to her (or at least one, but two fell at Sarah’s feet that Fiona snapped up). Todd directly handed her a towel _and_ a drumstick. It was so much fun to watch. I held her for a couple of songs, but Sarah held her for almost the entire concert (the one downside to standing in front). In a few years she’ll be tall enough to stand on her own. Larry read my “Larry: Towel _please_?” sign and mouthed that he’d try. But again, he forgot. After he gave it to someone else, he saw me and mouthed something like “Oops, I was supposed to give you a towel.” We had a strange mime conversation that ended with him saying “Next time”. Either he doesn’t remember me and doesn’t realise I’ll hold him to this, or he does recognise me and figures he has another chance. When he took Polaroids, he pointed at me and at least one other women, indicating that we were on the list of receivers. He crouched down in front of Sarah and Fiona with a picture and pretended to hand it in the other direction before he gave it to me. Tease. A woman behind me said, “Lucky!”, and yeah, I am. It was a consolation prize, but it very clearly _my_ consolation prize. [g] (I told Ken about the woman and he said, “Amateur.” I laughed and said, “Lightweight.” Hee hee.) There was an old guy a few people down from Sarah who was dancing so hard I feared he would have heart failure. (Imagine Fran in a grizzled 75-year-old male body.) I think he or his bleached blonde companion got the towel. (_My_ towel, dammit.) Next time, my sign will say “3rd try…3rd state: Towel, pretty please?” This was the last concert in this leg of the tour—no more Frampton and Nelson. So there was even more energy and fun than usual. Nelson and Frampton came out and sang/danced/played during “Too Much Time on My Hands”. Everyone (all band members) came out during “Renegade”, and they then brought all the crew out at the end. They also played some Ray Charles songs before “Renegade”, which was very cool. Larry kept looking at my chest while I was dancing, and making all sorts of appreciative and lustful faces. So give me a towel, damn you! We were starving afterwards, so we brought home fast food. By the time we finished eating, we were all wiped out. No video watching for us… <><><> We all slept in today, and now we’re lazing about watching “Harry Potter” and waiting for pizza to arrive. I briefly talked to Ken; he was getting ready to head to the airport and said he’d call me from there after he’s checked in. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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