Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-07-15 11:59 PM Communicability Yesterday was one of those days that slipped by in a haze of small projects. I got the largesse ready, I researched some recipes, I wound more floss, I answered more e-mail. I’ve got very little e-mail left, most of it reminders and things to look up. Which makes me feel good about the upcoming trip.
Last night we went to Textile Guild and I sort of learned nålbinding, which is sort of like knitting or crochet or lacemaking. Sort of. It was used in Scandinavia before they figured out knitting. Once they did, they abandoned nålbinding. Which sort of made me wonder why we in the SCA are becoming so enamored of it, you know? It didn’t work well for me, but I plan to keep trying. I have a little handmade bone needle now, so I kind of have to. <><><> In my excitement about the trip, I apparently have lost the ability communicate. What I was _trying_ to ask is what might be going on in Mynydd Gwyn and Thamesreach during the time we’ll be in the UK, so that we could try to plan our schedule to include those activities. Whatever I incorrectly said, however, is causing people to say, “Let us know when you’ll be in the area and we’ll sort something out.” [pound head on desk] I guess we’ll just have to make our plans and hope for the best. <><><> GP is pretty much done. It’s not great art, but it’s serviceable. After Eilidh proofs it, I’ll make the changes and add clip art, and then I can take it to the copy shop tomorrow. Given that it was the main thing I had to get done before we leave, I can’t complain. <><><> Charlie just spilled a glass of water all over my desk. Which is already a mess, so many things that shouldn’t get wet, got wet. Meanwhile, it’s beastly hot and _I_ would like to get wet in the form of stripping off all my clothes and diving into the pool. But Ken’s making a rapier doublet (commissioned—money inflow is a Good Thing right now) for a newcomer who is in the sewing room with Ken, and I don’t want to alarm the poor fellow. <><><> The fellow did leave eventually, and Maren came over, and we all went swimming. The pool is almost too warm, which is strange. Still, it was lovely to soak until we were pruney. (At least, I was.) Then she and I discussed Harvest Tournament, which we’re co-stewarding, and we ate pizza, and she taught me how to crochet, and then we went to the Event Steward Meeting. Now I’m home, and I’ve done post-meeting work on the event (for now). Lots and lots to do tomorrow, and before we leave for the UK. We’re going up to Darach for one night this weekend so I can meet with Albra to discuss plans for Black Oak Lodge 2005, which we’re co-stewarding. (Ack.) My computer backdrop is now Waterhouse’s “The Sorceress”. It was a Brian Froud print, but I think I’m going to use that one on the laptop (instead of the Waterhouse I have there now), because it will work well on the smaller screen. And that’s Thursday. Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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