Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-10-05 11:59 PM Off to GWW I’m down to 2 e-mails in my In Box. Phew. Now I can focus on the very long list of other to-do items before we leave tomorrow for Great Western War. Those items include “rent RV” and “get Dayle’s garb from storage unit”… Rather scary. They also include “update journal”…
We’re probably going to take Charlie with us, which will be an interesting experiment. She’s on antibiotics and needs her feet cleaned several times/week (she’s on yet another bout of nail bed infection), and it’s hard to ask a friend to come in twice a day for such festivities. So she’ll live in the air conditioned RV and get to sleep with me every night, and it should be fine. <><><> I bought a water boiler the other day. These are common in the UK (Land of Tea) but hard to find here. Bed Bath & Beyond had two models: one for $50 and one for $10. It’s easy to guess which one I got. It’s just the right size for a pot of tea, and the only downside is that it doesn’t have an automatic shut-off. But it boils water more quickly than the microwave, and the tea definitely does taste better. I got one for Morgana, too, because I knew she was looking for one. And I was late with her birthday present(s), so I added this in. I mention this largely because I’m enjoying a fine cup of tea as I alternately write this and catch up on some other computer projects. <><><> Lots of e-mail done today, bills paid, and so forth. We went food shopping for the War, and the packing list is printed, and the RV rented (to be picked up tomorrow). And while I was at the vet I came up with some idea for a planned story, which will need to be written immediately after the War. A plumber came to replace the upstairs toilet, but he had an injured hand, and they’re not supposed to send him out on jobs that require carrying toilets down stairs. Argh. <><><> A few entries for last month have been added, in case ya'll haven't noticed. Two more will be finished and added after War as well. Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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