Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2004-11-28 11:59 PM Beware the railroad spikes Ugh. I feel like warmed-over death. I imbibed too heavily last night, and even though I’d been drinking water and took Advil before bed, I woke up soon thereafter feeling like people were pounding railroad spikes into the base of my skull. Sometime in the early morning, after I’d digested the small dinner I’d eaten, my stomach decided to rebel. What it was rebelling against, I have no idea, because there was nothing left. That lovely experience repeated itself, even. My throat is sore from it. Blech. Ptui.
It’s evening now, and I’m mostly just exhausted from lack of sleep. I imagine we’ll watch some TV and go to bed early. Yesterday, up until the railroad spikes, was actually quite fun. Ken went down to his mom’s to help her with some home repairs. Matt, Meredith, and I picked up some food at TJ’s and a bunch of DVDs, then came back and ordered a mess of Chinese food. I was going to write while waiting for the food to show up, but by the time I got the computer open and had written a few words (less than a hundred), the food had arrived. Phooh. We ate whilst watching “Spirited Away,” which I’d been wanting to see. Awesome movie, but what a downer of an ending. We then watched “Treasure Planet,” which was quite amusing. I almost bailed to go write, but Emma Thompson as the voice of the captain who’s a cat alien in dominatrix boots… (How many fetishes can you find in _that_ sentence?! After I finally, finally crawled out of bed for good today (and after a glorious shower), we spent a mellow afternoon just hanging out. Cat dropped by to say hi, Meg & I ate linguini, and eventually Ken and I packed up our things and wandered our way back home. So, all in all, a very pleasant Homeless Waifs Bash, despite my foolishness of late last night and this morning’s resultant misery. <><><> Well, drat. I came home to a rejection of a story I thought had sold (turns out it didn’t make the final cut). That smarts. But it’s a good story, and I think it has a good shot of selling elsewhere. So, back in the mail. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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