Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Tired Read/Post Comments (1) |
2005-01-18 11:59 PM In which I talk too much about not sleeping Words Written: Edited through Chapter 12 of AETW
My story “Mirage” is up at the Battlecorps website. This is a membership site, so you have to pay to join before you can read the story (and future ones—I’ve already got a second in the queue!). Kind of like buying a book or a magazine. You don’t really have to know a lot about BattleTech or MechWarrior to understand (and hopefully enjoy) “Mirage”. It’s a character-driven story. There are also awesome stories by Phaedra, Loren, and many others! <><><> Sleepy. Can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep. Friday was the first concert, and then we went to Ken’s mom, where I nearly fell asleep on the sofa whilst we were chatting; I think we went to bed at 2 a.m. Woke early because the bedroom didn’t stay very dark and there was a radio on somewhere just loud enough to keep me from sleeping. Saturday night, we got home at 3 a.m. (Sunday morning), after the extra-long Styx show (with special guest Sam Moore of Sam & Dave—I don’t know much about soul music, but the encore kicked some major ass) and the after-show party, and didn’t get to bed until at least 4 a.m. Sunday night, I was still buzzing from the concerts and talking to Larry and all that, so getting to sleep wasn’t easy. Sunday night/Monday morning, the phone rang at 4 a.m. and again at 4:20; Ken managed to get to it the second time. It was Anwyn from Australia, calling with good news. She said she’d call back at 8 a.m., so I kept the phone by the bed. I was woken at 9:30, I think, by Margaret in New Mexico, also with good news. Last night, still a little buzzy and brain-busy. You know how they say if you can’t sleep, read a boring book? Last night, I was reading a good book in bed, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. And yet when I turned off the light, sleep was not forthcoming. Sigh. The good news: Anwyn and her fiancé are soon to be Landed Baron and Baroness of Innilgard in Lochac (Australia)! Margaret has been asked to be a Laurel! Hot damn! Alas, we can’t scrape up the funds to go to Australia in May, but we’re planning on going to New Mexico in early April. <><><> Got back in the writing groove today, finally, after a bit of post-concert depression and various catching-up. I went through three more chapters of AETW, I think. I’m pretty sure I know how to tweak what’s wrong, and things are flowing again. I also got a collab story back from Teresa, so that’s on schedule for tomorrow as well as AETW. I updated my submissions log, sadly noting that Arabella, the only really viable romance magazine out there, has folded. I’m very behind on e-mail and household stuff, but eventually it’ll all get dealt with. <><><> In other news, Cat visited on Sunday evening and we watched Eddie Izzard’s Circle, which Ken and I had seen only once before. Much hilarity ensued. Got Yule presents from one of my sisters today: red and green M&Ms (a running joke), a candle, a plant decoration thingie (I think), and the Return of the King soundtrack! Yay! I’ve been wanting all three soundtracks for ages now. My Froogle wishlist has paid off. --- Currently Reading: Colman, Monica Furlong; SFWA Bulletin, Fall 2002 Lately Listened To: Return of the King soundtrack Recently Watched: the Battlestar Galactica miniseries, in preparation for the new series, yay! (I’d already seen it, but Ken hadn’t, and I was happy to watch it again) Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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