Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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Mood: Energized Read/Post Comments (0) |
2005-02-06 11:02 PM Vroom putt putt Words Written: yes, but can’t explain
Vroom, putt putt! Why yes, I do have PME, why do you ask? Is it because when I’m stuck on a writing project, I get up and clean something? I mean, what’s the point of having an antique Victorian princess dresser if it’s covered with Styx t-shirts and earrings and extra buttons? Not to mention dust? <><><> We went to the first Great Western War XIV meeting today, in preparation for possibly bidding on running GWW X in 2006. We still have one piece of information to gather about our lives before we make the final decision; even if we don’t run it, I suspect we’ll be active on staff over the next few years. Came home, and made good use of the network being non-flaky for once. Answered e-mail, blah blah blah. Printed out 5 copies of my novel proposal for folks for the Novel Workshop in March—first 50 pp of the ms, plus synopsis and query letter. Everyone else, including two of the people who’ll read the full ms, are accepting e-mail subs, which cuts down on the ol’ tree-killing thing. And I’m fine reading all the subs on screen, for the same reason. Of course, now I have to go to Staples tomorrow, because I’ve used up the black ink cartridge as well as all the paper in the house. Ken’s first day of work is tomorrow! Exciting. He may have sold another system today. Heh. Anyway. My goal is to get up with him, and get out of the house to run that Staples errand and go to the PO to mail all the proposals and to the library to drop off some CDs. I think I’ll stay and write while I’m there, too. Walk there and back for exercise, and work while I’m there. I have a novel to finish ASAP, plus that anthology story assignment to get cracking on. But I’ve been saying that a lot, so I’ll hush about it for now. <><><> So, this evening while I was puttering about the kitchen, making pasta and throwing laundry in and whatnot, I hummed. And then I stopped, and realized I was, inexplicably, humming the theme to “Mork and Mindy”. No, I can’t explain that. --- *Which, incidentally, is not only the same backwards and forwards, but upside down as well. Currently Reading: (about to start) Sirius: The Dog Star anthology, for the Denise Little Workshop Lately Listened To: the printer printing many copies of my proposal Recently Watched: “CSI” Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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