Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2006-06-11 11:59 PM And that's the weekend that was Words Written: ALNM ~500 words
Writing Stats: Received a rejection from Fantasy for “Testing the Waters” (“well-written, but it didn’t win us over completely”). Received ALNM chapters 7 and 8 from Sarah. Joined the Los Angeles RWA group and the online Passionate Ink group (RWA erotic romance authors). Networked. Woke up Saturday with a sinus headache, and assumed that meant it was time to wean myself from nasal spray (which I cannot live without when I have a cold). By late afternoon I was desperate and used the spray again—and lo, my headache dissipated. Huh. I didn’t get any writing done on Saturday, mostly because I was working on all sorts of other projects. Friday night I finished Chapter 10 of ALNM and sent it to Sarah, and my brain didn’t want to shift focus to another writing project. Which is not normally a good thing, because often I have to be working on multiple projects. But I gave myself the benefit of the doubt since I’m beating off the last vestiges of the cold, and got lots of other things done instead. I’m really starting to feel “caught up” at last. Oh, there’s lots of things on my To Do list, but I’m finally answering long-overdue e-mail, and it doesn’t feel like I’m buried under a pile of things. It’s back to being a pile on my desk. ;-) My sleep cycle has been gradually moving to normal times for me, resulting in my falling asleep at 3 a.m. last night/this morning and then waking up at noonish (after a 9 a.m. call from Ken to let me know he’d successfully completed the rally). Which is fine, except tomorrow I have a chiro appt in the morning, so I have to pull my schedule back a few hours… Damn this world of morning people! I ran a bunch of errands today: Michael’s for x-stitch floss for a new project, and frames for the Publisher’s Weekly ad and the UK CSF cover; Trader Joe’s for various grocery and home items; Big Lots for home stuff; and the drugstore, where I picked up a cheap desk fan because it’s been getting stuffy in the upstairs home office. Nothing terribly exciting, but it was good to get out for a bit and to cross a bunch of things off lists. Cat stopped by this evening and we ended up going to Mongolian BBQ for supper (I used extra hot oil to help sear my sinuses). Good food, good company, good laughs. Let’s see, what else? I’m not going to Chicago on Monday for a Styx show; we couldn’t get tickets from the usual suspects. No biggie. I’ve got three shows coming up in less than three weeks! Hurrah! I’m getting pumped up already. Dig it! as JY would say. And, I’m already quivering with excitement about going up to Sequoia next weekend to meet up with Ken for a bike get-together. Towering redwoods, gorgeous roads, and my beloved… ---
Currently Reading: Night’s Landing, Carla Neggers; Treat Your Own Back, Robin McKenzie Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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