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Thinking as a Hobby 3476878 Curiosities served |
2002-12-11 4:37 PM Writers and Artists Petition Against Iraq (Take Three) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (25) Here's Douglas Lain's latest response (I'll respond in a separate entry, but again, feel free to comment away yourself):
[By the way last Friday, December 6th, Ursula K. LeGuin delivered the petition to Congressman Wu, one of the members of Congress who voted against the Iraqi resolution.] Mr. Derek, I want you to understand that I'm Samuel Delaney and you're Isaac Asimov according to the "which science fiction writer are you" quiz. This means we are bound to have differences. If, in the paragraphs below, I seem to be overheated I'm sorry. I'm writing this late at night and I'm not censoring myself very well. Still, I think the content of what I've said below is accurate enough. > You begin, for example, by implying that the war on terrorism is a farce, > presumably because in your estimation the U.S. is a terrorist state. Part of the > problem is settling on reasonable consensus regarding the definition of terrorism, > but without tackling that, I'd say we're probably off to a bad start. Actually, I think this might be a good place to start. The definition of terrorism that I'm working from is pretty simple. Terrorism is the use of violent force, or the threat of violent force, in order to achieve political or ideological ends. When states use violent means to achieve their ends this is "state terrorism," when individuals or groups use violence to achieve their objectives it is also terrorism. When are individuals, groups or states not committing the crime of terrorism when they resort to violent solutions to achieve their goals? When this violence is an act of self defense. > If you're incapable of making the moral distinction between the political > structure, intent, and policies of say, the United States and Iraq, then it is > doubtful our discussion will make much headway. I can easily enough distinguish the differences in the political structures of Iraq and the US. The US is a free society, perhaps the most profoundly free society on the planet. Even with the current attacks on our civil liberties we remain, at least for the moment, a profoundly good example when it comes to our toleration of dissent, for instance. The policies are also different. While the United States tacitly supported the gassing of the Kurds in the 80's and supplied Iraq with the ingredients for his chemical weapons, the US itself never gassed its own people. When it comes to intent, however, I think we have some major differences in our opinions. I see the US as seeking global dominance, you seem to feel that the US has some other benign purpose that it is motivating it. I think my position is the one that can most easily be proven out. It's certainly mentioned in the National Security Strategy Document that you can find on the White House's very own webpage. Buried underneath paragraph after paragraph of florid language you'll find that, in order to maintain security, we must maintain absolute military superiority. This is the goal of the United States, to maintain our position as the world's superpower. It will entail suppressing the third world's economic development. It will mean exercising our power constantly through pre-emptive strikes. It will mean that the UN is irrelevant and that we are not to be held accountable by the newly formed international criminal court. It's all in there, and it's all pretty obvious. > You say that we're not justified in threatening Iraq with military force because > Saddam is not an immediate threat. This implies that a country must be an > immediate, direct threat, or have already attacked us, in order to justify > military action. That's not just my opinion, that's international law. > Do you then consider the Gulf War to be an unjust war? Yes. > Iraq attacked a sovereign country, an ally of the United States, Kuwait. They were > not an immediate threat to us, and we had not been directly attacked. So was > action taken to oust them unjust? The point is, there are a number of > justifications for the use of force. The use of force should always be the last > resort, but it should not be ruled out as an option if all others fail. In the case of the Gulf War there were other options available. One thing we might have done is not give Saddam the green light to invade Kuwait. But, barring that option, there were opportunities for a peaceful resolution of the conflict that included a complete Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. For instance, the US rejected a Iraqi offer to negotiate a peace, which was the Iraqi response to UN resolution 660. Later on, but before the war began, Saddam offered to withdraw from Kuwait without resolving the land dispute it had with Kuwait if we would, at a later date, agree to diplomatic talks about weapons of mass destruction (this time the main concern, for Iraq, was Israeli weapons) and the occupation by Israel of Lebanon. > You say there is no credible evidence that Iraq is in cahoots with Al Qaeda, > and I > think you're right. But this isn't the only danger from Iraq developing > nuclear > weapons. I am staunchly opposed to nuclear proliferation. Are you? You're not seriously suggesting that the US attack every country that is suspected of attempting to develop nuclear weapons, are you? >...More should have been done to prevent countries like India, Pakistan, North > Korea, and yes, Israel, from developing nuclear weaponry, by force if necessary. I think that Bush's dismissal of the Nuclear nonproliferation treaty, his headlong rush to develop SDI and the policy of preemption is going to push countries to develop nuclear weapons. It's the only way to keep from getting trounced. > You say you feel strongly about the food aid issue. Do you honestly think > that the people of Afghanistan are better or worse fed now than they would have > been at this point in time under the Taliban? And upon what are you basing this > assumption? I think the war caused the already horrific famine in Afghanistan to intensify. I think that, in Kabul, the situation is improved, but for most of the country the situation is just as bad socially as it was before, and the material conditions are much worse. I base my assumption upon having read the newspaper on a consistent basis. There has been no investigation into the famine in Afghanistan since the catastrophic famine was averted there, but from the evidence I have I think it's got to be ugly. People are starving there, and dying from disease, and the country is in chaos. Again let me point you to some relevant articles: http://www.ddaz.com > You at least offer an alternative suggestion to what was done (which most > critics don't), but I'm confused about your suggestion of a "police action". Are > you talking about actual police, or about a military action under the euphemism of > "police action". If actual police, then are you seriously suggesting that a jeepful > of Interpol agents should have driven up into the mountains of Afghanistan and > tried to arrest Osama bin Laden? The first thing we ought to have done was provide some evidence and asked for extradition. I think if we'd done that alone we'd have Bin Laden right now. However, it's also conceivable that we could have sent special forces in to capture Bin Laden without bombing the country to smithereens and putting 7.5 million at risk of starvation. But, we preferred to bomb. In this way Bush isn't very different from Clinton who, when offered a dossier on Al Qaeda from the Sudanese in 1998 bombed the country instead. Of course, that bombing was completely illegal. It was, in fact, an act of terrorism. > The fact is, we eliminated an oppressive regime that was warned that we would > not tolerate them harboring terrorist. They did not comply, and for it they were > rightly ousted. In doing so, our military tried, to the best of its ability to > mitigate civilian deaths. We did very little about the mass starvation. The food drops were called "ugly acts of propaganda" by food aid workers, and we never did the massive air lift that was being discussed, nor did we provide peace keeping troops to help with the delivery of food. In fact, we blocked British efforts to provide peace keeping forces. > You also spout the Chomskian line that we're (And who is the "we" here, > anyway? The U.S. alone? The U.N.?) responsible for killing half a million Iraqis. Do > you sincerely think that the U.S. and U.N. have a vested interest in killing Iraqi > civilians? And to what end? What possible conspiratorial explanation could lead > anyone to such a conclusion? We're sadists? I like Chomsky, but it's not his line that I quoted before. If you remember I mentioned the three UN officials who resigned from their posts, all of them working on the oil for food program, and all of them calling the sanctions an attack on the people of Iraq. I also mentioned that the US government knew that the impact of bombing the infrastructure of Iraq and then imposing harsh sanctions would be civilian death, mostly children. This is documented and a quick google search will reveal lots of sources on this subject. > Why do you not place the majority of the blame for suffering and death on > Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi regime? Do you refuse to believe credible reports > that the Iraqi government has been skimming money from the Oil-for-Food income, > that they've been involved in illicit oil trade over the past ten years, and that much > of that money never goes towards much needed health care, food, or education? > Why are you willing to cut a guy who has multiple opulent palaces while his people > are apparently in dire need, so much slack? I simply do not understand this > tortured logic. There is nothing tortured about the logic. I believe that everything you've mentioned is true, but I don't think that the blame falls in Saddam's direction only. The skimming, the illicit oil trade, the misdirection of funds, even with all of it taken into account the US still bombed Iraq's infrastructure, changed the terms of the sanctions program, and purposefully disrupted the oil for food program in order to intensify the desperation of the Iraqi people. The idea was to spark a popular uprising against Hussein by making life in Iraq unbearable. The other thing to consider is that most of the deaths, or at least a lot of them, come from diseases stemming from polluted water supplies. Without chemicals like chlorine (a dual use item) it's difficult to provide clean water. Still, I'm not saying Saddam was blameless. He should have stepped down so that the US would have the regime change it wanted and lifted the sanctions. A decent person wouldn't cling to power in the face of so much consequential suffering. Believe me, if I were an Iraqi I'd be calling for Saddam's head. But I'm an American, so I focus on what we Americans do. > The only thing you seem to agree with me about is the idea that force is what brought Iraq onto the path of possible compliance. You say that the fact that inspectors are in country right now is proof that not all diplomatic efforts have failed. Are you suggesting that this is diplomacy? The suggestion is laughable. We're holding a gun to their head, and that is the only reason they've let the inspectors back in. I wouldn't call substantive threats diplomacy. Perhaps you do. I guess I agree with you that we're not being very diplomatic. Still, allowing the weapons inspectors to disarm Iraq would be a peaceful way to resolve the issue. > Either way, the credible threat of force was the only option left. The use of force will follow if Iraq so much as blinks. And it shouldn't be any other way. There is too much at stake. What's at stake? What will happen if we don't bomb Iraq? He'll attack his neighbors? They don't seem to think so, even Kuwait was willing to normalize relations with Iraq at the last meeting of the Arab League. He'll develop nuclear weapons? Not if the weapons inspection process is allowed to be completed. In fact, weapons inspections is a far more successful means of disarming a country than bombing. So, what will happen. What will Saddam do? Let's say we find out he's left something off the list of sites . Shouldn't our impulse be to send the inspectors to the site we know he's left off the list? > I truly believe that if our government had not pulled the security council > toward passing yet another resolution (but this one with actual consequences), > then Iraq would eventually develop the deadliest weapons know, and that the > likelihood is that they would contribute to proliferation by selling weaponry or > technology to others You think Iraq would do something as nasty as that? But...wait a minute, aren't we the world's biggest provider of weapons, including the technology to develop weapons of mass destruction? > I > think unchecked, Iraq's deception and noncompliance would result in a much > less > safer world, and would result in the eventual use of nuclear weaponry, which > is > perhaps inevitable anyway, unless world governments, ALL world governments, > begin > to get serious about stemming the nuclear tide. I agree with this, but your way of stemming the tide is to attack every country that might possibly have nuclear weapons. That's not sane. Read/Post Comments (25) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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