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Starting School
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Classes start on Monday. Here's what I'm taking this semester:

CMPS 588 Neural Networks

Survey of artifical neural networks, their design, trade-offs, and underlying structures that support their implementation.

COGS 535 Computational Issues in Cognitive Science

The purpose of this course is to equip students with some basic computational skills that are essential to success in cognitive science. This course should also familiarize students with the technical and theoretical issues that arise from adopting a computational approach to researching cognitive issues. In facilitating these goals, readings and exercises will be assigned from time to time and students will be required to do the readings and complete the exercises.

BIOL 670 Evolutionary Processes

In depth consideration of processes of micro- and macroevolution with emphasis on current theoretical debates including the claim of tautology, units of selection, punctuated equilibrium, adaptationism and evolutionary constraints, modes of speciation.

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