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Figured it was time for an update of the project list. Really, sometimes i wish I could focus on just one thing at a time (I do have way too much going on here), but it seems I need something going at the rough draft phase when working on revisions - which of course eventually ends up with too many things ready for revision! Anyway, we'll start witht he books . . .

Novel Plot Building :: (nonfic how-to on my npb process)
in process: rough draft; done: ch4

Assassin's Choice :: in process: revisions 4 & 5;
done: ch17 v4, ch4 v5 (v5 is my "reward" for completing a chapter in v4)

Quest for Ehlarayn :: in process: early revisions;
done: first section broken into 10 chapters, formatted sections 1-4

The Last Heir :: in process: rough draft

Stolen Priest :: in process: revision 3; done: part II

Mists & Shadows :: in process: outline

Primary Focus: The "Heroes of Ehlarayn" trilogy (A.C., Quest, Heir). NPB is going to be a slow write - I still have another book I want to attempt with it to see what kind of adjustments I need to make to the process before I finalize the rough draft and that other book is not even in the picture yet. (And I won't put it in the picture any time soon - only one headache at a time and I already have 3 with the "Heroes" trilogy!) S.P. is for an anthology that I have no plans to release for some time - it started off as a glorified fanfic for those who loved a particularl character in the "Heroes" trilogy, so I have plenty of time to work with it. M&S I'm just tinkering with at the moment.

"Cameo" and "A Gift of Writing" have been revised and are off to new markets at last.

"This" is about to be revised and also sent off to a new market.

"Ravani's Dance" is ready for revisions, but probably needs another looksee before I send it anywhere.

"Sayia's Price" is ready for revisions, but I can take my time on it since it'll probably be for the same anthology as S.P..

Being crittered for that anthology are "Birth of the Phoenix," "Fallen Kingdoms," "The Lies of Power," and "Where the Power Lies," all of which can just sit there for awhile since there's no rush to complete them.

Poetry being crittered includes a poetry collection, "Dragon Dreams" and "Essence" - and they can sit as well. Poetry seems to be a losing proposition in terms of the market-go-round, so I'm rarely in a rush to work on them.

Finally, I have an essay up called "He's not Broken." Tackling that may take awhile since it's an emotional issue and I need to turn it from an essay to a story.

Really, not as much as I thought. I do need to trim back on my novels, I guess - I'm sure the multi-project approach is slowing me down, and I'm already a slow enough writer as it is, but the Alden novels are just a nightmare in revisions and working on something at an easier stage for a break really does help keep me from going insane. (Then there's Christine who thinks I should write as many rough drafts as come to me even if I end up with a backlog pile to revise!)

Today's work: finish formatting Quest, revise "This," then back to tackling A.C. revisions. whew!

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