It's About Time
becoming healthy again one day at a time...

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I'm NEVER on time--I'm going to have to figure out how to get on time. Maybe I need to start making my lunches the evening before instead of the same day? Especially now--the hub is thinking of letting me make him box lunches. He's tired of sandwiches all the time and has high cholesterol so needs a healthier diet.

Not today. I'm trying to be really good and stick to 3 days a week for at least a month or two. Then I'll need to decide whether or not to increase how much stretching I do or to increase the number of days.

Dinner Yesterday
Stir Fried Chicken over Rice.

Cereal & Milk.

Lunch Today
Another new recipe!

Bento #8: Top Tier

Top Tier: Celery Sticks and 3 Grape Tomatoes resting in Ranch Dressing; Babybel, Golden Delicious Slices, 1/2 Clementine

Bento #8: Bottom Tier

Bottom Tier: Medallion Chicken over Mirin Rice w/Chives (no, I don't get obsessed with the foods I like; why do you ask?)

Bento #8: Medallion Chicken Bento

Everything together. Also shows the Vanilla Yogurt to dip the apple and Vanilla Pudding for dessert.

The Medallions are from Japanese Meals on the Go: Bento Boxes again, and again I adjusted the recipe. First, I ended up needing 2 eggs. She either uses really large egg, adds something to the egg, or has really tiny chicken breasts for this recipe. There just wasn't enough egg for the 2 I had. Second, I know the husband wouldn't be happy with "plain" chicken, so I added the salt, some lemon pepper, and some parsley to the flour. Not a lot, so the husband may still find them too bland. We'll see.

It's chilly and a bit overcast today--it was actually really nice yesterday. I ended up waking up with a headache and had to take some Tylenol first thing. But I feel okay otherwise--a little tired (but that's probably just the anemia) and not particularly motivated/energetic, but I'm not drag me down tired. It's days like this that make me think the weather connection to my moods/energy doesn't work.

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