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Long Day #1
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Hub's at work today, so no sleeping in...well, not as much sleeping in. At least I didn't have to be up at 7:30. But I think the sinus thing is interfering with my sleep. I went to bed at a reasonable time (I made sure of it) and i know I woke up at least twice, and I'm just not with it today.

I'm up?

Dinner Yesterday
TV dinners: Marie Calendar's Herb-Roasted Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Veggie Mix, Mac & Cheese

Oatmeal & Milk

Lunch Today
Bento #24

Sidecar: Chicken Medallions over Rice
Bottom Tier: Celery Sticks & Ranch Dressing
Top Tier: Graham Crackers, Green Hard Mints; 1/2 Tangelo in heart-cup (to keep any juices from getting to crackers) and other 1/2 outside the cup.

I didn't eat all of yesterday's bento and realized I may have been trying to hard to pack a variety. And I was using the Fit & Fresh box which may actually have a little more room than these two boxes. Also, we tried couscous for the first time (hub wasn't impressed, lol) and maybe that was more filling than I expected? Not sure, but I'm going to try to simplify my bentos just a bit and not try to pack so much into them. If that makes sense, and see if that helps me go back to eating it all up. ;)

I've been up for 2 hours and I'm still asleep. Ug. And somehow I have to work on novel #2. Um, yea, 'kay. :P

Btw, long day #2 is tomorrow--and I'll be offline for most of it.

Weather: Overcast
Mood: Tired, but it's probably the sinus crap still kicking in. :P

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