It's About Time
becoming healthy again one day at a time...

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What more can I say. I was going to exercise, but got behind in what I needed to do (and am still running about a half an hour late for everything, ug). My Monday setup for the week seems to overwhelm things if I'm not careful--I may end up moving a few things to the weekends to reduce that problem.

Not that I'm worried about it. Still coughing a lot. The cough getting better is happening, just R-E-A-L-L-Y slowly.

It doesn't help that we also have a demanding new kitten to distract me. Rogue is still being kept pretty much in a crate because we need to get her to the vet before she has too much exposure to the other cats, but I do let her out occasionally--catbox and roam time and all that. But I have to keep an eye on her. The boys just watch from a distance and growl occasionally, Ororo would try to tear her up. And that little bugger is fast! She was up the stairs before I knew what had happened earlier this morning--it took Logan hissing at her for me to realize she had left the kitchen!

None, really.

Dinner Yesterday
Hamburger-Noodle-Cream of Mushroom Soup Mix
Orange Soda

Scrambled Egg
English Muffin w/Jelly

Lunch Today
Bento #38

Sidecar: Shrimp, Harboiled Egg, Chive Rice
Bottom Tier: Italian Mix Veggies (from frozen & w/pats of butter to melt in micro)
Top Tier: frozen Fruit Mix, String Cheese

Lots to get done, better get back to work!

Weather: Partly Cloudy
Mood: Okay--not particularly energetic/motivated, but not down either. I can work with okay. ;)

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