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*with Jim Farris*

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Silly Thinking Around The World
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This is a "Silly Thinking" Special Program.





and The Former Soviet Republic of Georgia!

It's "Silly Thinking Around The World"! From "Silly Thinking" England here is Herman of Herman's Hermit's PETER BLAIR NOONE!!!

PBN: 'ELLO! Silly Thinkers America and welcome to "Silly Thinking Around The World". Ya know Silly Thinking is not just an American phenom. There are "Silly Thinking" sites all over the world and while you there in the colonies enjoy "The Marlon Brando Show", "Analyzing The Movement", "Movielog" and other award winning features; in countries all over the world international citizens enjoy the same kind of programs with a distinctive local flavor.
For an example you have Marlon Brando doing his weekly chat program in the states while here in England we have another award winning actor doing... well watch!


It's 'The Michael Caine Show"! starring Michael Caine!

...I'm Dub Flannigan. And now MICHAEL CAINE!!!

MC: 'ello 'ello. And welcome to my show.Thank you ladies and gentlemen. You are to kind.
Thank you.
Well we've got a good one for you today don't we Dub?

DF: Yeah we do mate.

MC: Did you have a nice weekend Dub?

DF: Yeah we do mate.

MC: Me too. It was spendid. The fog, the cold, the drizzle. Nothing like England in the summer right mate?

DF: Yeah mate. Yeah.

MC: Petulia Clark.

PC: Thank you duckies! 'Ello 'ello Michael.

MC: Petulia Clark. What the hell are you doing here?

PC: Well. I wanted to come on and say Tally Ho! To all me fans and let 'em know I'm at Picadilly Circus threw Friday dear one.

MC: Remember when you made films?

PC: Well, it was a long time ago...

MC: I want to do four films a year. That's all I ask. Four films a year. Do you still have a bloddy voice at all?


PBN: Get the idea. Our chat programs are not that different are they?
Now in Italy their biggest success is a program that got cancelled in America. The quiz program "The Game".


Host: Here are a your choices:
1. "La Strada"
2. "Amarcord"
3. "A Fistful Of Dynamite"
4. "La Aventurra"

Contestant: Ahh! I a think a numero two-o.

Host: No! It's a three!

Cont: No! I a protesta!

Host: Judge Roberto Benigni! Hey Roberto Off a table!



PBN: Looks like fun. In Spain "Celebrineto" is a smash!


Sy Goldaramirez: Hey a kiddo's lets go to pressomandre!
It looks like our little senorena Sylva Giutterrez-ElSalvadore got into a little trouble when she got into the prime minister's pants at a luncheon the other day.
Hey Sylva! What's a you do ehh?
You read it here before anybody else! Uhhh? Exactomundo!
Bullfighter Exsalvadore Martinex


PBN: In The Former Soviet Republic of Georgia "Silly Thinking" is a smash mate!
The most popular feature is "Analyzing The Revolution" which explores a young revolutionaries explorations during the revolution there.
Look at this.


Analyzing The Revolution 3

Posted by Dougpetroyko Zhivaglainakov.

"What I Didn't Know"

I knew the President was wrong and his policies would crush the workers of our poor but proud country. After watching his address to the nation I wanted to stop him. But how?

I took my son Nikita and went to Starbuck's. Nikita played with the empty cups as I smoked and read and re-read the papers. How could this be happening?
Then a man joined me. I will call him "Z". Z agreed with me that the government must be overthrown. That the ruling class must be forced out of power before it was to late.
Just then Nikita crawled up on the table, knocking over our Grande Latte's, when Z raised my son in his hands and started chanting "Revolution for the Children! Revolution For The Children!" over and over again. Everybody in Starbuck's began to cheer with him and my son. A glorious moment!
Z took us to a meeting. There was a lot of talk of revolution. A woman I worked with at the tractor factory was there and wanted to knit giant tank cozies for the troops with revolutionary slogans on them. This would help nothing.I was depressed and deflated.
Then the leader of the group (I will call him "J") stepped forward with a clear vision of revolution.
We would mobilize into teams and take over the local TV stations and use our members in the press to print our message.
As Nikita played with a spent grenade in the corner I readied myself for battle. We would take over the media then march on the palace and demand the President and his cabinet leave office immediatly.
It was cold and snowing as we trudged threw the streets. I saw Nikita banging a fry pan as the workers sang and joked. J looked at me and told me the sacrifice was worth it.Then we split into teams and within hours the media was ours!
By the time most of us arrived at the palace the President had watched the crowds grow to a quarter million people. The army was called out and tanks moved into the square.

Nikita placed flowers on one of the tanks as a young army officer smiled.
Then the President appeared on the balcony and announced he was going into exile with his government to avoid bloodshed.
We had won! J was right! We had launched a revolution that deposed the evil government without a shot bieng fired.
As we swarmed inside the castle I hoisted Nikita up on my shoulders and plopped him onto the throne of power. He smiled as J and the other memebers of people's revolutionary government laughed and cried.
The country was ours.
But now what?


PBN: Strong stuff. But I love a happy ending.
Well thanks for joining us on "Silly Thinking Around The World". I'm Peter Blair Noone.

Jimzinko Farrizinko Presents Silly Thinking with Dougpetroyko Zhigavlainakov. Comrades! it really is all here!

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