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Kerry/ Brando Conversations
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“The Kerry- Brando Conversations”

Live, via satellite, from Pourlance, France is your host:

JD: Hello, I’m Johnny Depp. In this months GQ Magazine, John Kerry, in an interview, stated that during the Iran Contra Investigations in 1985- 86 he developed a “telephone relationship” with Marlon Brando:

I(nterviewer):… speaking of movies…Brando-

JK: You know Brando used to call me.

I: What?

JK: I had a telephone relationship with Marlon Brando…He was always asking questions and would give advice.

I: Did you ever use any of his questions in the hearings?

JK: I took his advice on a couple of angles. A couple of points.

JD: At ST we went to the Brando Archives and found transcripts of some of those conversations.
We will show you some of those now. We have placed the photos and edited certain portions of the conversations, with the permission of the Brando Archives, chief archivist.
Here is a segment of the first conversation, that took place in late 1985.

Sec (retary): John Kerry’s office.

MB: Senator Kerry please.

Sec: Who’s calling please?

MB: Marlon Brando… something, I…

Sec: I’m sorry, who?

MB: Brando, Marlon Brando.

Sec: Marlon Brando?

MB: Yes sweetheart, Marlon Brando. Come on.

Sec: Hold please.

MB (while on hold, evidently talking to someone in the room with him): Pimp.

JK: John Kerry.

MB: Senator?

JK: Yes. Who is this?

MB: We’ve never met, my name is Marlon Brando.

JK: Is this a prank?

MB: Senator, I don’t play pranks. I know it may seem hard to believe, but I am Marlon Brando and I am calling you as a concerned citizen.

JK: Look, I….
(evidently Kerry has it confirmed that this is really Marlon Brando)

JK:… It is? Oh, I see…

MB: Look, senator, you can have your people verify this. I wanted to ask you about the Iran Contra mess.

JK: Yes…

MB: Well, I know your investigating the thing. Have you heard of “The Enterprise”, otherwise known as “The Secret Team”?

JK: Yes, somewhat.

MB: Well, check out Chi Chi Quantero, he works for these pimps down in Nicarauqua.

JK: Let me write this down. Chi… Chi..

MB: Quantero.

JK: Quantero.

MB: Yeah that’s right Senator, he’s their bag man.

JK: Their what?

MB: You know, he’s their mule, he transports drugs and money, Senator.

JK: Of course.

JD: In checking the records of the Iran- Contra hearings, ST found all the names and events mentioned by Marlon Brando to be accurate and true.
A few days later, Marlon Brando phoned again.

JK: Marlon, how are you my friend?

MB: I’m fine Senator.

JK: John, please. Call me John.

MB: John, oh.. well.. John. I’m fine John. And how’s your.. are you married, John?

JK: No, not at the present point in time.

MB: Me neither. I just can’t seem to keep…

JK: I know where you are on this. Me neither.

MB: Yeah, well, it’s hell. I love women, and yet…

JK: Ditto. I am so wanting of a woman.

MB: Wanting of a woman. I like that, John. Wanting of a woman.

JK: Anyway, what have you called about today?

MB: What? Oh.. yeah. I was wondering if you guys have found The Secret Team’s ties to Cuba in 62?

JK: No.

MB: Well the team started in ’62, as a rogue agency within the CIA. They tried to shut them down, but they went private and have been doing this ever since.

JK: Any names with that?

MB: Yeah, a young diplomat named George Bush.

JK: My God.

MB: Richard Seacorde, James McCoy… others. And what kind of investigation have you made into Eden Pastora?

JK: The Contra leader?

MB: Yeah, the first Contra leader who wouldn’t play ball with these pimps who Ollie North and McFarland, and John Hall tired to assassinate.

JK: Did you say McFarland?

MB: Yes, he ordered the La Pinqa bombing that killed those journalists, but just missed Pastora.

JD: Two weeks later Marlon called his friend John again.

JK: Marlon. Nice to here from you.

MB: Yeah, John, how are the hearings going. I’ve been watching. That Hawaiian gets a little hot under the collar.

JK: (laughing) Inowaya. Good Senator.

MB: I’m sorry John, I’m having lunch and I can’t get the ketchup out of the bottle. HIT IT! Hit it on the bottom.

JK: You’ll never get it out that way, Marlon. Gently tap the neck, caress the neck and tap, then a few pats on the bottom and it will come right out.

MB: It worked. John, you’re a genius. You ought to work for Heinz. That’s great.

JK: I ought to write them a letter…

MB: Yeah tell them how to make love to ketchup bottle…

(Kerry laughs.)

JD: We will have more of these extraordinary conversations next Friday, September 3rd. The Iran Contra Scandal was the first public knowledge of the privatization of America’s foreign policy, a policy that dangerously goes on today, and it was first discussed between a current Presidential candidate and an icon of 20th Century culture.
I’m Johnny Depp for “The Kerry- Brando Conversations”. See you next week.

“The Kerry- Brando Conversations” is produced by Silly Thinking, who is totally responsible for it’s content.



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