A Bit of Randomness

Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. --Diane Arbus
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Party Talk

Last night, we were at a party with a lot of people we didn't know. During the random get to know you chatter, a woman asked me if I was a stay-at-home mom (as Dylan was there and quite obviously still pretty young). And my mind sorta went blank as this was the first time someone had asked me that.

The woman thought I was offended at first; that I thought she was implying that if I was at home with Dylan that I couldn't possibly be "working". She quickly was trying to cover her tracks when I finally found my voice and explained that I wasn't offended at all. I simply had no idea how to respond to the question.

I started working when I was about 11 or 12. It was a cool little artsy store that I was in virtually everyday on my way home from school. My mom knew the owners and joked one day that I was there so much that they should just hire me. As they apparantly had needed a parttime stock person, I got a job. And I've pretty much been consistently employed ever since then (with two other exceptions involving my store being run to the ground and shut down - not my fault - and a back injury making me leave the job that caused it).

But now I'm in a weird position. I do miss working. But, due to Eric starting his own business and the fun hours that he keeps, I need to make enough money to cover day care. And I need to work hours that would enable me to make use of said day care. However, with my qualifications and experience, those jobs are fairly few and far between. Make that *very* few and far between. (Although, there is one position that I'll be accepting that only sort of fits those criteria. However, as I'm unsure how that will work out and I don't want to jinx it, I'm not going to say much more about it yet...). I also am really enjoying being able to spend so much time with Dylan and see friends and family and not stress about when to fit it all in.

So that does leave me as a stay at home mom, I guess. Which is really weird. But pretty cool. :^)

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