A Bit of Randomness

Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. --Diane Arbus
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Random Question Thingy Borrowed from MSM's Site

1) first grade teacher: Mrs. Smith. I just ran into her last year, even. Weird…
2) last word you said: Well or soon…not sure which
3) last song you sang: the chorus to “You Are My Sunshine”
4) last person you hugged: Dylan
5) last person you kissed: Dylan
6) last time you said 'i love you': To Dylan (can you tell I just put her down for a nap???)
7) last time you cried: Ummm…last week sometime
8) what's in your cd player: Heh…a way cool cd of lullabies
9) what color socks are you wearing: none
10) what's under your bed: two bins with clothes and such
11) what time did you wake up today: 6:45ish
12) current close friend(s): quite a number to list here
13) current hair: long and curly and pulled into a pony tail
14) current clothes: shorts and a t-shirt. Fairly standard
15) current annoyance: heh…I’ll not start griping about that AGAIN. At least, not right now…
16) current longing: my own house
17) current desktop picture: the fountain in Disney where we got engaged
18) current worry: money money money
19) current hate: please see number 15
20) story behind your username: This should 'splain nicely...
21) current favorite article of clothing: ummm..hmmm..don’t have one, really
22) favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: hands and arms
23) last cd that you bought: I haven’t actually bought a cd in forever.
24) least favorite place: wherever it’s hot and sticky and not in a good way
25) time you wake up in the morning: around 7 is when I get up (give or take ½ an hour). Waking up…anytime between 5:45 and when I get up. :^)
26) do you play an instrument?: I used to play the flute, French horn and trombone. But it’s been years since I’ve picked any of them up
27) favorite color: Purple
28) do you believe in an afterlife: Yup
29) how tall are you: 5'6”ish
30) current favorite word/saying: Yellow! Yellow Like the Sun! (gotta love kids toys)
31) favorite book: one??? That’s like Sophie’s Choice!
32) favorite season: It used to be fall but this year, I was very fond of spring
33) one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Hilary
34) favorite day: don’t have one anymore. They all run together a bit
35) where do you want to go: Europe
36) what is your career going to be like: ha!!!!
37) how many kids do you want? Two
38) what kind of car will you have?: Will I have when? After I need child seats??
39) type a line you remember from any book: I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice; not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I had ever met or even because he was the instrument of my mother’s death, but because he’s the reason I believe in G-d
40) a random lyric: all it takes is one voice singing so they hear what’s on your mind and when they look around they’ll find there’s more than one voice…singing in the darkness…

1. do you/have you done drugs?: nope. Not me. Nuh uh. I’m a good girl. :^)
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Finesse
3. what are you most scared of?: heights
4. what are you listening to right now?: the fan in the window behind me
5. who is the last person that called you?: my mother
6. where do you want to get married? Already happened. :^)
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 5
8. if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: my world outlook
1. color: purple
2. pasta: yes please.
3. boys names: to name my kids or in general? I’m avoiding this one…
4. girls names: ditto
5. subjects in school: philosophy and religion
6. animals: cats (all sizes)
7. sports: ummm…I’m going to have to go with golf
*have you ever*
1. given anyone a bath?: yup
2. smoked?: never. I never even tried it.
3. bungee jumped?: hell no!
4. made yourself throw up? Yes. Sometimes, ya gotta get it out
5. skinny dipping?: yes
6. ever been in love?: oh yes
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I did, in fact, make myself cry for a teacher in high school. Now I can’t seem to stop the waterworks. Oy.
8. pictured your crush naked?: ummm…yeah…
9. actually seen your crush naked?: lots and lots and lots
10. cried when someone died?: oceans
11. lied: again, I’m sweet and pure and innocent. :^)
12. fallen for your best friend?: yeah…
13. been rejected?: yup
14. rejected someone?: yes
15. used someone?: hmmm…I suppose I must have at some point for something…
16. done something you regret?: oh yeah. Lots and lots and lots. Sheesh.

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