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2005-02-15 8:12 PM More Bull (Leaping) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) After reading my Orphan Scrivener article about whether Mary and I might've made a mistake when we had a bull-leaper grab a charging bull by the horns and leap over its back, Mark Terry comes to our defense:
First, given the acrobatics and such that we've seen from the likes of Cirque du Soleil and other top-level circus and trapeze performers, I imagine that it would be possible to perform such a stunt if you were at the top of your game, technically skilled, and had the guts of a burglar (if you'll pardon the reference). And, of course, unlike some acts of acrobatics, bull leaping is Darwinian in that those who can't do it aren't likely to get a second change to practice.Besides being a man who obviously knows what he's talking about, Mark is the author of the mystery novels DIRTY DEEDS and CATFISH GURU. You can visit him at his web site . Mark wrote us an email and when I went to post it in this entry I found that Barbara Klaser had also lent us some justification in a commentwhich I’ll place here to keep things organized:
My dad once raised a black angus bull from a calf, and according to him when the animal was young it would charge my dad in play. As it grew larger it continued to do this, stopping just short of him (sometimes terrifying visitors who didn't understand it was a pet). Barbara, another knowledgeable writer, author of SNOW ANGELS and SHADOWS FALL. The former is available at her web site. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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